Wages stagnate in Alberta despite economic boom

Something is wrong in Alberta. Over the last decade, while the economy boomed and industry thrived, real wages in the province stagnated. Real wages (adjusted to constant dollars to correct […]

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St. Anne? Give me a break!

If you were in Edmonton during the week or two before Christmas you can be forgiven for thinking that some miraculous change had transformed Alberta’s political landscape. The headlines in […]

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Government plans war on nurses early in the New Year

AFL Year-end Message Looking ahead to the New Year, it’s clear the Labour movement will have a lot on its plate. New rules on drug and alcohol testing in the […]

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Running to stand still: How Alberta government policy has led to wage stagnation during a time of prosperity

Running to stand still: How Alberta government policy has led to wage stagnation during a time of prosperity Albertans are entitled to ask: “What’s going on? How can the most […]

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A-Channel attempts to muzzle free speech

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour and the union representing striking A-Channel workers have jointly filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against A-Channel. The unions claim the station attempted to […]

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2003 November Speech Alberta New Democrat Convention

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, November 2003 Good morning. I probably don’t have to tell you that it has not been a banner year for labour […]

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2003 October Speech United Nurses of Alberta Annual General Meeting

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, October 2003 Good morning. It’s been 70 years since Alberta had a government that could even be loosely described as worker […]

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Forcing nurses into binding arbitration is a “recipe for disaster,” says AFL

EDMONTON – Alberta’s health care system could be thrown into chaos if the province’s nine regional health authorities are successful in their bid to force nurses into binding arbitration, says […]

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Tory decision to re-open WCB cases is welcome but long overdue

After nearly two years of on-again, off-again support for a major review of old WCB cases, the Alberta government has finally agreed to open the books on previously rejected claims […]

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2003 August Speech International Forum on Privatization of Public Services

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, August 2003 (Oslo, Norway) Good morning and thank you for the warm welcome. As you’ve already heard, my name is Les […]

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Klein mixed the ingredients for this pie himself

The “pie-that-was-heard-across-the-country” may have been delivered to Premier Ralph Klein early last week – but it had been in the oven for a long time. And the Premier himself had […]

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Labour hails decision to re-open WCB cases as “long overdue”

After nearly two years of on-again, off-again support for a major review of old WCB cases, the government has finally agreed to open the books on previously rejected claims covering […]

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Forestry workers urge Klein government to be part of the solution, not the problem in softwood dispute

EDMONTON – Leaders from the Alberta Federation of Labour and two unions representing thousands of forestry workers in the province will meet with Human Resource Minister Clint Dunford this afternoon […]

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Real wages plummet in Alberta despite current economic boom

If you’re finding it more and more difficult to keep up with the bills each month, you’re not alone. Recently released figures show that the amount Albertans earn each week […]

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Labour hopes to “wake sleeping giant”

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour has adopted an aggressive new action plan aimed at helping working Albertans re-discover their collective political power – and convincing them to use […]

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Celebrating Aboriginal Solidarity Day

The Alberta Federation of Labour is marking National Aboriginal Solidarity Day by strengthening its commitment to promoting aboriginal involvement in the labour movement. “For years now, aboriginal people have faced […]

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Students pay the price for Tory indifference

EDMONTON – The real extent of the classroom carnage caused by on-going government under-funding of education will become apparent tonight when the Edmonton Public School Board debates its budget for […]

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When it comes to ethics, business can learn from unions

It’s not often that Business Week magazine praises unions – still less often that it recommends unions as a model for business. That’s just what happened, however, in that magazine’s […]

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CLC president set to address AFL convention

AFL Convention wraps up tomorrow CALGARY – Ken Georgetti, president of the 2.5-million-member Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), will be in Calgary tomorrow to address the Alberta Federation of Labour’s biennial […]

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Union activists “take it all off” to help fight cancer

CALGARY – Five delegates to the Alberta Federation of Labour convention in Calgary – including AFL president Les Steel himself – will shave their heads in front of a crowd […]

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Workers of Tomorrow: Promise and Problem of Young Workers and Unions (2003)

Workers of Tomorrow: The Promise and Problem of Young Workers and Unions (May 2003) Policy paper adopted on 43rd Convention, May 1 – 4, 2003

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Migrant Agricultural Workers in Alberta (2003)

Migrant Agricultural Workers in America (2003) Policy paper adopted at 2003 AFL Convention, May 1 – 4, 2003

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Labour and Communities: Organizing for Change (2003)

Labour and Communities: Organizing for Change (May 2003) Policy paper adopted by 2003 AFL Convention

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Don’t be fooled by Tory spin on Bill 27

You have to hand it to the Klein Tories – they sure know how to spin a tall tale. Take the case of Bill 27, for example, their controversial new […]

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