The “Hidden Giveaways” of the Federal Mini-Budget: Corporate Tax Cuts

The hidden secret in yesterday’s pre-election mini-budget by Federal Finance Minister Paul Martin was billions in corporate tax reductions, the AFL points out today. Despite the crowings of the Finance […]

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Cormack urges leaders to embrace the progressive spirit of the “Famous Five”

EDMONTON – Politicians like Ralph Klein and Jean Chretien should dust off their history books tomorrow and learn some valuable lessons from the past, says AFL president Audrey Cormack. Tomorrow […]

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Working Alone Committee Members Issue “Minority Report”

Labour members of the Task Force that recommended new provisions for working alone regulations released a “minority report” today stating the provisions “fall short” in protecting workers. The “Minority Report” […]

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AFL Officers Endorse Pannu for NDP Leadership

The elected officers of the Alberta Federation of Labour today endorsed Strathcona MLA Raj Pannu’s bid for the leadership of the Alberta New Democrats. President Audrey Cormack and Secretary Treasurer […]

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Billion Dollar Corporate Tax Cut Shows Government Priorities

The $1 billion tax cut for corporations announced yesterday by the Alberta government exposes the government’s real priority is giving money back to corporate friends and not investing in essential […]

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International survey criticizes Alberta labour laws

EDMONTON – The Brussels-based International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) was critical of Alberta labour laws in its annual global survey of labour rights released today. “The ICTFU survey […]

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Federation preparing to launch new phase of Worker Literacy Project

The Alberta Federation of Labour is set to undertake a new phase of their Worker Literacy Project. Cormack, President of the AFL resolves that “we will continue training workplace literacy […]

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AFL predicts showdown over labour laws

Unions and workers across Alberta should brace themselves for a fight because next year will probably be Ralph Klein’s “year of retribution” against organized labour, says Audrey Cormack, president of […]

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“Wearfair” rallies target sporting good outlets in Edmonton and Calgary

Activists concerned about sweatshop labour will stage rallies outside two popular sporting goods shops in Edmonton and Calgary over the weekend. Both rallies will be held on Saturday, August 26 […]

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AFL Asks, “Where are the New Working Alone Regulations?”

The Alberta Federation of Labour is asking why Human Resources Minister Clint Dunford is holding back approval of the new working alone regulation and handbook, when it has been complete […]

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Death of teen worker may be directly related to lax enforcement of health and safety rules

EDMONTON – Alarm bells should be ringing in the provincial labour department now that it has been revealed that there may have been no guardrails on the roof where a […]

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Workplace deaths are the “tragic and predictable result” of under-funding and lack of political will, says AFL

EDMONTON – The Alberta government is not doing nearly enough to promote and enforce adequate health and safety standards on work sites across the province, says the Secretary Treasurer of […]

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AFL calls for release of Leonard Peltier

AFL President Audrey Cormack is calling on activists to lobby the Federal Justice Minister, Anne McLellan to demand Leonard Peltier’s release. A rally in support of clemency for the American […]

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LRB Decision is “Victory for Free Expression” says AFL

Yesterday’s decision by the Labour Relations Board (LRB) to strike down the section of the Labour Relations Code banning secondary picketing is an important victory for workers and for freedom […]

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Thousands of Albertans are still being denied basic workplace rights

EDMONTON – The changes to Alberta’s Employment Standards regulations announced yesterday prove that the Klein government is more interested in catering to the whims of employers than protecting the rights […]

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Government is sadly mistaken if it thinks unions can be fined into submission

EDMONTON – The Alberta government and the Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta (PHAA) are sadly mistaken if they think large fines will stop unions from doing what’s necessary to protect […]

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Tories are “reaping what they have sown” with health care strike

EDMONTON – The strike that is currently crippling hospitals across the province is a clear example of the provincial government “reaping what it has sown,” says the president of Alberta’s […]

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AUPE dispute proves that Alberta labour laws are deeply flawed

EDMONTON – There are many lessons to be learned from the two-day strike that crippled hospitals across the province earlier this week – but the most important one is that […]

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WCB President Received 39% Pay Increase in 1999, AFL Highlights

The Alberta Federation of Labour revealed today that WCB President and CEO Mary Cameron received a 39% pay increase in 1999. Also, WCB sources inform the AFL that the Board […]

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Day of Mourning Is a Day to Remember and Make Change Happen

Friday April 28 will mark the 5th International Day of Mourning. Commemorated around the world, the Day of Mourning highlights the loss of thousands of workers every year to fatal […]

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Double the Workplace Deaths, Half the Government Funding

On the eve of the 5th International Day of Mourning, the Alberta Federation of Labour released calculations showing that government funding for Occupational Health and Safety enforcement is a fraction […]

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City Hall Ceremony Highlights Day of Mourning

Friday, April 28 will mark the fifth International Day of Mourning. Begun in Canada in the mid-1980s, the Day of Mourning is a day to remember those people killed at […]

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AFL Calls for Boycott of Molson, Labatt in Northern Alberta

The Alberta Federation of Labour is endorsing a boycott of Molson and Labatt products for the duration of the labour dispute at Brewers Distributors Limited (BDL) in Edmonton. The AFL […]

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Action needed now to eliminate racism

EDMONTON – On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Racism, the president of Alberta’s largest labour organization is calling on leaders from government, business and labour […]

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