Employers, Not Unions, Threaten and Intimidate Unionizing Workers – AFL

New report shows employers responsible for over 90% of upheld Alberta Labour Relations Board rulings since 2001, not unions Edmonton—While allegations of union “thugs” and employer intimidation are often thrown […]

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Alberta is Unstacking the Deck with Updated Workplace Laws – AFL

New Legislation shows NDP government is focused on making life better for workers and their families Edmonton – This afternoon the Alberta Government tabled Bill 17: the Fair and Family-friendly […]

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Auditor General releases damning report on Temporary Foreign Work Program – AFL

Confirms longstanding abuse of the program continues despite economic downturn and 2014 reforms Edmonton – Earlier today the Auditor General released their audit of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, revealing […]

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Today we celebrate May Day – AFL

Statement from AFL President Gil McGowan on International Workers’ Day Edmonton – May Day is a day to recognize workers’ struggles all over the world. Born out of the struggle […]

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Celebration sat side-by-side with mourning on this year’s Day of Mourning – AFL

Labour activists and leaders enthusiastically welcomed the Alberta government’s new plan to consider holding some employers criminally responsible for workplace fatalities Edmonton – Hundreds of worker delegates attending the Alberta […]

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It’s Time to Unstack the Deck for working people in Alberta – AFL

AFL launches public campaign in support of worker rights Edmonton – This morning during his address to the bi-annual convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour, president Gil McGowan officially […]

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New restrictions on Temporary Foreign Worker Program in Alberta are good news for workers – AFL

Joint federal-provincial program will force employers in 29 job categories to look for unemployed locals first Edmonton – This morning Alberta Labour Minister Christina Gray and federal Employment, Workforce Development […]

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Day for the Elimination of Racism – AFL

AFL pledges to renew our commitment to fighting for equality for all workers On March 21, 1960, sixty-nine people were killed and eighty were wounded by the racist state of […]

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Alberta has a revenue problem that was decades in the making – AFL

Budget 2017 needs to protect public services and look forward to revenue reform Edmonton – Alberta’s budget should focus on revenue reform and on protecting jobs, according to the province’s […]

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Government must stand strong on protecting farm and ranch workers’ rights – AFL

Technical working group reports released today show need for strong leadership Edmonton – In response to today’s reports released from the technical working groups on the Enhanced Protection for Farm […]

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Coalition of coal workers unveils transition plan – AFL

Report examines how Alberta can be a leader in phase out of emissions from coal-fired electricity Edmonton – A coalition of workers who will be affected by Alberta’s plan to […]

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PC-era government report shows they knew agricultural workplace laws were necessary – AFL

Thousands of accidents, dozens of deaths every year on Alberta farms prove modernization of agricultural employment laws needed Edmonton – Alberta’s agricultural workers are more than twice as likely to […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour condemns Quebec City attacks, urges action on Islamophobia – AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour unequivocally condemns all violent acts against our Muslim brothers and sisters. We believe that the union saying ‘an injury to one is an injury to […]

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Action Alert – Stand with locked-out seniors care workers – AFL

Show your support for workers by calling for a fair contract that will be a win-win for employees, residents and their families. Issue Points West Living, an Ontario-based seniors care […]

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Celebrate Medicare’s 50th anniversary by introducing pharmacare – AFL

National system for drug coverage is next step in building the Canadian health care system Edmonton – Canada took the first step toward universal health care 50 years ago this […]

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Work should not be a barrier when escaping domestic abuse – AFL

Alberta Federation of Labour joins with labour organizations across the country to commemorate the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women by calling for workplace leave for […]

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Sturgeon refinery is a solid investment in Alberta’s future, say Conference Board – AFL

Report vindicates in-province refining, showing it will add thousands of jobs to the Alberta economy Edmonton – A report from the non-partisan Conference Board of Canada shows that refining and […]

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Campaign puts a human face on those neglected by WCB system – AFL

BeHumanWCB encourages workers to tell their stories to government review Edmonton – A coalition of workers’ rights organizations is urging the WCB review panel to make the Workers’ Compensation system […]

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Government child care announcement shows leadership for Alberta families during tough economic times – AFL

Edmonton – The announcement today that the government will expand access to quality early child care and education is a step in the right direction say child care advocates. The […]

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Aramark’s intimidation tactics show why Alberta’s labour laws need review – AFL

Doom-and-gloom letter posted to Reddit example of shady tactics from anti-union bosses Edmonton – A letter sent to Aramark workers at the new Rogers Arena is a case study in […]

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Labour Bytes: October 2016 – AFL

Urgent Action Say ‘no’ to pay-for plasma schemes Private clinics profiting off blood plasma are bad for the workers, families and communities of Alberta. We ask that Alberta move ahaed […]

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Patients win with public delivery of public services – AFL

Decision to bring diagnostic labs back into system a victory for Albertans Edmonton – Alberta’s provincial government is putting patients first by returning diagnostic lab services to the public health […]

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Parliamentary report on TFWP a blueprint for a two-tiered labour market – AFL

Trudeau Liberals not being honest with Canadians about guest worker programs Edmonton — A parliamentary committee report tabled today about the Temporary Foreign Worker Program shows that the Trudeau Liberals […]

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Trudeau Liberals not being honest with Canadians about TFWP – AFL

Parliamentary report a blueprint for a two-tiered labour market Edmonton – A parliamentary committee report tabled today about the Temporary Foreign Worker Program shows that the Liberals are not likely […]

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