Report says time running out for Canadian oil producers to access Pacific Rim


CALGARY – A research paper is reinforcing the idea that Canada’s resource industry is at risk of being left behind internationally if it doesn’t find a way to get oil […]

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Upgrading bitumen in Alberta best option, labour group says


The Alberta Federation of Labour says documents obtained through Freedom of Information show that the provincial government has been told that upgrading bitumen in Alberta is a better financial option […]

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Media Advisory: Secret documents show upgrading is economic

AFL to release Government of Alberta analysis of bitumen economy Edmonton – Secret government documents that show upgrading is economically viable will be released by the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour calls for creation of new Crown corporation to tackle ‘bitumen bubble’


Wants province to invest in oilsands refining capacity CALGARY – The Alberta Federation of Labour called Wednesday for the province to burst the so-called “bitumen bubble” by creating a Crown […]

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Province’s unionists call for more bitumen production at home


The time is right for Alberta to profit from bitumen’s low price by processing more of it at home, say the province’s unionists. The so-called bitumen bubble makes it economically […]

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Bitumen glut has silver lining

Creating upgrading jobs in Alberta has never been more viable CALGARY – The so-called “bitumen bubble” is actually an opportunity for the province to add value and create jobs, says […]

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Labour group contests bitumen bubble claim


The premier’s claim that Alberta’s financial woes are because of a bitumen bubble is being challenged by a provincial labour group. The bitumen bubble refers to the growing gap between […]

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Labour group says a new upgrader will help economy


Alberta Federation of Labour says it’s time for a new bitumen upgrader The Alberta Federation of Labour says with the current sagging oil prices, this is the time for the […]

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Alberta issues record setting fine to Chinese state-owned oil firm


An Alberta judge has ordered the Canadian arm of a Chinese state-owned oil company to pay the biggest workplace safety fine in the province’s history after the death of two […]

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Bitumen glut has silver lining

Bitumen glut has silver lining (January 30, 2013) The bitumen glut has a silver lining: Seizing Alberta’s upgrading opportunity and creating long-term prosperity.The low price of bitumen has a silver […]

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Bitumen bubble’ bad news for budget


When Premier Alison Redford talks about “a bitumen bubble,” she’s referring to the record amount of Alberta bitumen for sale, and the low price it’s fetching in the U.S. these […]

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Labour organizations, environmental groups join with Idle No More


Albertan labour organizations and environmental groups declared their support for the Idle No More movement during a rally in Edmonton Monday. In front of over 100 Idle No More demonstrators […]

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Local organizations pledge support for Idle No More


EDMONTON – The Idle No More movement marked a global day of action Monday with a rally in Churchill Square that saw leaders from a variety of organizations declare solidarity […]

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Idle No More event aims to teach, build support for movement


Edmontonians packed Allendale Community Hall Sunday evening for a discussion of Idle No More, as communities and organizations worldwide planned for a show of solidarity with the movement on Monday. […]

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Sinopec $1.5 million penalty for workplace deaths a ‘slap on the wrist,’ says union


A Canadian subsidiary of Sinopec, a Chinese state-owned oil corporation, was ordered to pay $1.5-million fine Thursday, approximately six years after a collapsing tank roof killed two Chinese workers at […]

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Albertans being misled by talk of ‘bitumen bubble’

Real problems caused by low taxes, royalty giveaways and lack of upgrading strategy Alison Redford’s claims that Alberta’s financial woes are caused by a ‘bitumen bubble’ are a distraction. The […]

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Unions, economists blast Alison Redford’s budget plans


CALGARY – Public sector unions are bracing to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist said Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to […]

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Public sector unions are girding to fight impending provincial cutbacks


Public sector unions are girding to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist says Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to Albertans Thursday […]

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Unions, economists blast Alison Redford’s budget plans


CALGARY – Public sector unions are bracing to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist said Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to […]

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Sinopec Oil Sands Workers’ Deaths: Energy Giant To Pay $1.5 Million


ST. ALBERT, Alta. – A firm linked to a Chinese state-owned company was ordered Thursday to pay $1.5 million in penalties in the deaths of two foreign workers at an […]

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Largest workplace fine in Alberta history for oil giant’s role in the death of two Chinese workers


ST. ALBERT – A Canadian subsidiary of Chinese state-owned oil giant Sinopec has been ordered to pay $1.5 million in penalties for failing to ensure the safety of two Chinese […]

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Firm linked to China ordered to pay $1.5 million in deaths of workers in Alberta


ST. ALBERT, Alta. – A firm linked to a Chinese state-owned company was ordered Thursday to pay $1.5 million in penalties in the deaths of two foreign workers at an […]

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Sinopec fine just a slap on the wrist

Edmonton – A $1.5-million fine to oil giant Sinopec will do nothing to deter them from practices that endanger workers, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). At a […]

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