Alberta no longer reports farm fatalities; union says workers unprotected


DMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is chiding the provincial government for no longer reporting farm fatalities. The union says the move is an example of how — quote […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour letter compels Gateway Review Panel to consider Michigan oil spill documents

Joint Review Panel acts in response to AFL letter filed August 9 Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is applauding the Joint Review Panel’s (JRP) decision to compel Enbridge […]

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West Coast refinery proposal puts pipeline debate in new light

OTTAWA – Political, business and union leaders reacted with caution and skepticism Friday to a B.C. newspaper tycoon’s proposal to build a $13-billion refinery near Kitimat to process bitumen from […]

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Ethical Oil charity complaint sparks Alberta corporate complaint


As is well known, the “Ethical Oil Institute,” the Edmonton-based organization founded by Sun News Network commentator Ezra Levant to support petroleum extraction companies in Alberta, has complained to the […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour celebrates its 100th birthday


When we talk about the history of Alberta we usually think of wide-open prairies, cattle ranching and oil — seldom do historians talk about the men and women of the […]

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New Study Shows Billions in Lost Royalty Revenue After Northern Gateway

Industry data shows Alberta should have $1 trillion in Heritage Fund by 2045 Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and Parkland Institute released a joint study today, showing […]

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Alberta to miss billions in Gateway pipeline royalties: study

Study Says Albertans won’t get their fair share of Royalties The Alberta Federation of Labour and the Parkland Institute have released a study that says Albertans could lose billions of […]

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News Local Joint study claims Gateway bad for economy


A joint study from the Alberta Federation of Labour and the Parkland Institute of Alberta have released a study arguing the province could lose billions in royalty revenue if the […]

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Labour Shortage Background

Labour shortage backgrounder Government documents show claims of an acute “labour shortage” based on mathematical fiction The claim that Alberta will be short “114,000” workers has appeared so many times […]

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Our Chinese oil sands


Nexen could be just the beginning… In June, the Alberta government launched a website publicly outing employers who haven’t paid their workers—an online hall of shame. Among these “deadbeat bosses,” […]

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Backing Ottawa on labour plans


Re: “Premiers must stand up to Ottawa’s cheap-labour strategy; Harper Tories have launched stealth attack on middle class,” by Gil McGowan and Lana Payne, Opinion, Aug. 3. This opinion piece […]

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Alberta’s bogus labour shortage


A labour shortage occurs when the demand for labour exceeds the supply of labour, right? Well, apparently not in Alberta. The Alberta Federation of Labour took a long, hard look […]

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The Alberta Federation of Labour’s Massive “Progressive Economics” Fail


One of the downsides with having one of the hottest — if not the hottest — economies in the world is that there comes a time when you might not […]

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Alberta union launches online fight against restaurant giant


Call it a digital warning shot. Two Alberta unions have quietly launched a website,, which targets one of Canada’s largest restaurant franchisers, Cara, over alleged “ethical concerns”. The barebones […]

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Editorial: Canadians expect a balanced workforce


Immigration Minister Jason Kenney continues to remove barriers to ensure Alberta’s oilsands and construction industries have access to the skilled tradespeople they need. Last week, Kenney expanded a pilot program […]

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Federation Presidents: Premiers should fight back against Ottawa’s low-wage schemes

It has become clear that the federal government, supported by a number of employer organizations, has a plan for transforming Canada’s labour market in ways that will profoundly hurt Canadians. […]

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Alberta relying on bogus labour shortage figures

AFL says government is wrong and Chartered Accountants are right: labour shortage fears are overblown EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour released internal government documents today, showing claims of a catastrophic […]

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Alberta temporary foreign worker pilot expansion


Ottawa – The expansion of the Temporary Foreign Worker pilot in Alberta is creating an outcry from the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). “Canadians should get first crack at these […]

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Left out


Re: “Canadians expect a balanced workforce,” Editorial, July 23. Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan has a legitimate point. The more Immigration Minister Jason Kenney removes barriers for foreign […]

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AFL Statement on the proposed takeover of Nexen by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)

EDMONTON-Does it matter who owns the oil sands? You bet it does! If foreign governments are allowed to expand in Alberta through companies like China National, they’ll develop the oil […]

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Guest column: Trades unions understand it’s not jobs at all costs


Growing up in Duncan, as I did, meant growing up in the airshed of the Crofton pulp mill. No one liked the smell but they liked what it represented — […]

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Myths about foreign workers


Re: “Foreign worker hiring fast-tracked; Employers in six trades won’t have to consider Canadians first,” the Journal, July 17. Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, is spreading […]

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Foreign trades workers paperwork load downsized


Faced with a looming labour shortage in a perpetually expanding economy, the door is opening wider for temporary foreign workers specializing in six in-demand trades, announced federal immigration minister Jason […]

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AFL decries further watering-down of checks and balances of Temporary Foreign Worker Program

For immediate release Tuesday, July 17, 2012 AFL decries further watering-down of checks and balances of Temporary Foreign Worker Program Canadians should get first crack at high-paying jobs EDMONTON – […]

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