Labour crunch threatens Alberta’s growth, groups warn

Coalition calls for changes that would bring more workers into the province ahead of an anticipated shortage EDMONTON – An alliance of 19 Alberta business organizations called on the federal […]

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Election 2012 Report Card

Election 2012 Report Card, February 2012 Over the past several months, the AFL has given each party a chance to show us where they stand ont he issues important to […]

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Election 2012 – Make it Count!

Election 2012 – Make It Count! (February 2012) Vote for working people. Let’s face it. Politicians only speak one language: getting elected!

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Albertans demanding a stronger, effective opposition

More and more Albertans understand the value of having a stronger opposition. They know that if we have an effective opposition, we can hold the government accountable and take them […]

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Topp to unveil major Alberta backers

OTTAWA — New Democratic Party leadership candidate Brian Topp, who has accused perceived front-runner Thomas Mulcair of having a plan to make the federal government “addicted” to oil and gas […]

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Consumer advocate cautions voters on politicians using “creative language” on health care in upcoming election

EDMONTON – With a provincial election expected this spring, voters are going to be wooed by politicians using “creative language” to promise improved health care when they’re elected, consumer advocate […]

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Conservative decision on upgrader reveals real priority is shipping raw bitumen

Tories acting to benefit pipeline companies and foreign oil interests, says AFL The Conservative government’s withdrawal of support for an upgrader clearly shows its priority is exporting raw bitumen instead […]

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Wildrose Alliance’s really wild idea

Wildrose agrees with the Alberta Federation of Labour and the New Democrats VANCOUVER, Feb. 24, 2012/ Troy Media/ – In an early February announcement with a local candidate near Edmonton, […]

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Improve Transport Safety for Migrant Workers, Says Alberta Union

Alberta’s largest union is calling on the government to tighten transportation safety regulations lest migrant workers in that province suffer a similar fate to those killed in a recent crash […]

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Union sues to block Indiana right-to-work law

INDIANAPOLIS – Union members went to federal court Wednesday to ask a judge to block Indiana’s new right-to-work law from being enforced, the first lawsuit and latest conflict over the […]

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Restoring Workers’ Rights

One million Canadians work in federally regulated workplaces. They deserve a government that respects their fundamental rights. Stop Federal Interference in Free Collective Bargaining Since winning a majority government, Mr. […]

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New N.Y. Pension Plan Puts Workers Between Rock and Hard Place

A proposed new pension system puts the retirement security of New York firefighters, teachers, police officers and other public employees at risk, and the New York State AFL-CIO is fighting […]

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February 21 2012: Beyond Acute Care Conference; Better Way Alberta; Budget 2012; farm workers; HSAA information pickets

Last chance to see Ralph Nader and Maude Barlow at Beyond Acute Care Conference You have only until tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, Feb. 22) to register for the Beyond Acute Care: […]

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Our oil interests not well protected

Chinese deals make Canada seem like junior partner According to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, his recent trip to China was about advancing and protecting the “national interest.” But after taking […]

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Proposed pipeline to have no effect on gas prices

The public debate surrounding Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline has suddenly veered off in a new direction, powered by economic nationalists and the suggestion that rather than exporting oil […]

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The Sinopec File

Pollution, bribes, more. Nikiforuk pries open the record of China’s oil giant, business partner for Northern Gateway pipeline. Sinopec, Enbridge’s Chinese business partner for the Northern Gateway Project, has a […]

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Alberta government urged to act now to prevent farm-worker tragedy

Premier must fulfill her pledge to protect workers and close legal loopholes, says AFL A transportation tragedy on the scale that killed 11 farm workers in Ontario last week is […]

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Enbridge pipeline bad for the economy

The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline will deliver an inflationary oil price “shock” to Canadians of US$2 to $3 per barrel “every year for 30 years,” a B.C. economist predicts. Robyn […]

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Alberta road rules a recipe for disaster, says labour group

AFL calls for change in laws governing farm workers before it’s too late EDMONTON – The Alberta government must act now before farm workers in this province suffer the kind […]

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Alberta must be cautious about raising taxes

A concerted effort is now underway to ensure that Albertans have a “conversation” about current levels of taxation. Fair enough, but it seems that conversation is code for convincing Albertans […]

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Alberta pre-election budget hikes spending, raids savings, runs deficit

EDMONTON – Premier Alison Redford’s Alberta Tories delivered a pre-election budget Thursday that increased spending to record levels and raided billions from the piggy bank, but promised the province will […]

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Budget 2012: Tax and Royalty Giveaways

“No honest conversation with Albertans on Revenues in Budget 2012” – McGowan Edmonton – Alberta cannot hope to have great health and education services and fewer deficits without ending corporate […]

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Alberta’s Electrolux Speech: Breathtaking in its vacuity, but quite possibly effective

It was either the best of Throne Speeches or it was the worst of Throne Speeches. Heck, maybe it was both at the same time. Yesterday being the 200th anniversary […]

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The Fraser Institute: 100% political and still a registered charity! Explain, please…

Other than Canadian political parties themselves, the Fraser Institute must be Canada’s most intensely political organization. Notwithstanding its pious mission statement — “to measure, study, and communicate the impact of […]

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