Alberta workers under attack as province marks Labour Day

Alberta workers are under increasing under fire as the province takes a day off work Monday to celebrate their contribution to our communities and our economy. “The Alberta government has […]

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Why the NDP has it wrong on Keystone: Halting exports in favor of domestic jobs is disingenuous

To his credit, Alberta NDP leader Brian Mason has at least brought the increasingly cosmic debate over TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone expansion back to earth. Yesterday in the Calgary Herald, and […]

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Government continues to target the Mexican Electrical Workers Union (SME)

Since October 2009 the Mexican Electrical Workers Union (SME) has been one of the primary targets of the Mexican government’s attack on Freedom of Association. Most recently, the government has […]

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Union Job Helps

My husband and I have worked to raise our three children to the best of our ability. At times we have struggled to keep food on the table, clothes on […]

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Minister’s secretive review of labour code fatally flawed: Biased process launched at the whim of lobby group, says AFL

A review of the labour code launched by Alberta employment minister Thomas Lukaszuk is doomed to fail unless the process is changed, says the province’s largest labour group. “The minister […]

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Construction labour laws face major review: Province seeks changes to reduce costs

The Alberta government is quietly consulting with employers and unions about major changes to the labour laws that cover the province’s massive construction sector. Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk […]

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ACT NOW: Stop union busting at YATAŞ Furniture Company in Ankara

A common pattern of union-busting in Turkey conducted against the BWI-affiliated Wood Workers’ Union (AĞAÇ-İŞ) in Ankara. AĞAÇ-İŞ is affiliated with Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (TÜRK-İŞ) at the national […]

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Alberta leaders put away partisan politics to honour Layton: Tributes pour in from across the province

EDMONTON — Alberta politicians celebrated Jack Layton’s legacy Monday, saluting his lifelong commitment to public service and his passionate defence of immigrant, vulnerable and working Canadians. The 61-year-old leader of […]

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Jack Layton an inspiration to Alberta workers:AFL mourns loss of great statesman and great friend

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is mourning the loss of Jack Layton – a great Canadian and a true friend of working people. “The labour movement in Alberta recognized […]

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AFL wants farm deaths to be investigated by OHS

Eight months ago, three farm workers died in Alberta. Because of the Alberta government’s rules on farm-related deaths, there has still been no investigation. The Alberta Federation of Labour says […]

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Viewpoint: Let’s Learn the Right Lessons from Wisconsin

The struggle in Wisconsin was the awakening that labor movement activists had hoped for—disproving the modern notion that those who work will not stand up for themselves. Several hundred thousand […]

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Minister’s silence on farm-worker safety unacceptable, says AFL: Lukaszuk has failed to respond to calls for investigation of farm accidents

Workers on farms and ranches will mark the seventh annual Alberta Farm Worker Day tomorrow still waiting for the Alberta government to end its silence on a call to make […]

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Investigation demanded into lobbying by Big Oil group: Alberta government should not leave decisions to industry, says AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today called for an investigation into the lobbying activities of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). “We have come into possession of a […]

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Environmentalists could undermine shale-gas plans, Alberta cabinet documents suggest

EDMONTON — Leaked Alberta cabinet documents suggest the province is worried environmental groups will undermine public support for shale gas development by spreading “misinformation” about health and environmental effects of […]

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Georgetti: Labor Must Win Class War

Workers in the United States and Canada are in a class war declared by big business and we’re losing, Ken Georgetti, president of the Canadian Labour Congress, told delegates. “It […]

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Colombia: Mineworkers’ Leader Murdered

17 August 2011: The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has joined with its Colombian affiliates, CUT, CGT and CTC, in firmly condemning the killing, on Tuesday 26 July in El […]

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Ohioans Vow to Keep S.B. 5 Repeal Fight at Full Speed

Gov. John Kasich’s S.B. 5 and Republican lawmakers must be feeling the heat. Recently, 1.3 million Ohioans signed petitions to put on the November ballot the repeal of a law […]

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Wisconsin Voters Set to Defend Two Pro-Worker, Anti-Walker State Senators

Today, Wisconsin working families are going to the polls to defend two state senators who stood up to Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) attack on workers. Democratic state Sens. Jim Holperin […]

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Lukaszuk moves on workplace fairness

Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is promising to make workplaces in the province fairer, cracking down on employers who fail to pay fair wages and benefits. Lukaszuk announced […]

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Sticking up for workers

New efforts by the province to stick up for workers who feel they are being treated unfairly by their employers is a welcome step. The province announced this week it […]

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Alberta takes steps to protect employees

An increasing number of workplace complaints has prompted the provincial government to hire more people to investigate employers across the province, a step that can only help Lethbridge workers, according […]

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Minister must do more to protect Alberta workers; Waiting for complaints to be filed won’t prevent abuse in the workplace, says AFL

EDMONTON – Moves to improve the enforcement of Alberta’s Employment Standards code are welcome, but the government approach is wrong and doesn’t go far enough in protecting workers, says the […]

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Employment Standards bolsters staffing to address flood of online complaints

EDMONTON – A new online system for workers to report grievances against their employers has worked so well the province has been “flooded” with complaints to investigate, Employment and Immigration […]

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Canada needs a true national energy strategy: Slowing tar sands development smarter than unlimited extraction, shipment

When energy ministers from around the country gathered in Kananaskis recently, Alberta Energy Minister Ron Liepert billed the meeting as a potentially historic gathering at which politicians will begin long-overdue […]

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