Ottawa moves to stop postal dispute

Calgary postal workers are hoping the union and Canada Post can iron out a collective agreement before being forced to return to the job by looming back-to-work legislation. “We are […]

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Lockout shocks local postal union president

Canada Post’s decision to lock out its unionized workers Tuesday night was more of a shock to local union president Doris Salmaso, than was Wednesday’s announcement by the federal government […]

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Alberta needs new revenue system

Fluctuating revenues lead to cuts when oil prices decline In industries such as oil and gas, revenues can fluctuate, sometimes wildly, with the ebbs and flows of the market. For […]

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Government Will Review AFL-CIO Complaint Against Bahrain

The AFL-CIO today applauded the U.S. Department of Labor’s decision to accept its complaint regarding the government of Bahrain’s failure to live up to its trade agreement commitments with respect […]

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Calgary Joins Together to fight cuts to vital public services

With 331 jobs set to be lost in Calgary’s public schools alone, Join Together Alberta (JTA) is holding a town hall meeting tonight in Calgary to challenge cuts to education, […]

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Air Canada back-to-work legislation slammed by Alberta labour leader: AFL also fears for future of Canada Post at hands of federal Tories

Using legislation to force employees back to work will not bring labour peace or prosperity to Air Canada, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. “The only way to secure a […]

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Hundreds of city teachers lost to budget cuts

EDMONTON – After a day in which 326 Edmonton teaching positions were likely lost, school boards say they desperately need consistent funding. Both Edmonton school boards passed versions of their […]

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Local postal workers hit picket lines

Local urban Canada Post workers are solidly on the picket line now after Canada Post locked them out Tuesday night. That’s a change from Tuesday morning when striking workers in […]

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Ltr to Honourable Ed Fast re: CETA from Trade Justice Network

click here for PDF of letter June 15, 2011 The Honourable Ed Fast Minister of International Trade Government of Canada Ottawa, ON / fax (613) 996-9795 Dear Minister Fast, […]

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CUPW locked out by Canada Post

Issue: 48,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) have been locked out by Canada Post Actions Requested: Help them on the picket lines in your area. In […]

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Voice Of Kazakh Protest Gaining Strength

When a few hundred oil workers in southwestern Kazakhstan launched a strike to demand higher wages in early May, no one expected the protest would last long or have much […]

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CAW 2002 (Air Canada) picket lines June 14, 2011

Issue: CAW Local 2002 members at Air Canada will hit the picket lines at Calgary and Edmonton International Airports on the morning of Tuesday, June 14 Actions Requested: Join the […]

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Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Donations

DONATE HERE – Thank you everyone for the outpouring of support. ONLINE: Click here to make donations by PayPal or any major credit card. CHECKS can be made payable to […]

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Wisconsin GOP to strip collective bargaining rights in state budget; transit workers exempted

(Russ Feingold speaking at the ongoing “Walkerville” protests in Wisconsin against the Republican state budget) With time running out before the recall elections and the legal battle over collective bargaining […]

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United they fell: The Gainers meatpacking strike 25 years later

EDMONTON – High-profile strikes erupted across Alberta in the summer of 1986 as the oil boom went bust, often pitting workers against police in what many saw as a fight […]

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Alberta tightens guidelines for COR-holding companies

Alberta is implementing stricter guidelines for its Certificate of Recognition (COR) system aimed at boosting scrutiny of COR-holding companies that experience workplace deaths and serious injuries. “Losing a COR is […]

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Concerns raised over long-term care

Concerns have arisen around changes to seniors care in Grande Prairie with the relocation of residents from the QEII’s Mackenzie Place to the new Points West Living complex in the […]

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Ongoing funding cuts to core services a cry for revenue reform

People such as Premier Ed Stelmach and Education Minister Dave Hancock want Albertans to believe that these are tough times. They want us to believe that the recession has left […]

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Rallies Target Republican Lawmakers

Now that the state budget has received a stamp of approval from the Joint Finance Committee, the war of words is heating up once again. This time in the form […]

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Strange Sound from Millionaires: ‘Tax Me’

It’s the 10th anniversary of the Bush tax cut for millionaires, and some millionaires say enough is enough. They’ve bought enough boats, added enough wings to their mansions and put […]

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Walkerville Survives the Storm, Can Wisconsin Survive Walker’s Budget?

Day six of the Walkerville tent city protest has seen overwhelming support from Wisconsin workers, students and community members. Over the course of the week, thousands of Wisconsinites have gathered […]

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Albertans share union’s vision of a better public postal service, says AFL: CUPW is fighting for improved service and for safety and fairness in the workplace

As postal workers walked picket lines in the Edmonton and Calgary areas today (Wednesday), Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan said Albertans should support the fight for a […]

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ILO Takes Big Step Toward Domestic Workers Rule

Devon Whitman of the AFL-CIO Field Department reports on a huge victory for domestic workers at the International Labor Organization (ILO) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. Last night, following a week […]

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Renewed strikes met with police aggression

Egyptian workers take to the streets, defying the controversial anti-strike law, as they call for better working conditions but the police use force to cut out their voice Late afternoon […]

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