Union Fears Anti-Labour Tactics Coming to Canada: Energy giant with links to Tea Party movement registers to lobby Alberta government

Could the union-busting efforts currently afoot in some U.S. states catch on in Canada? An Alberta union leader fears the thin edge of the wedge is beginning to show. Gil […]

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Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Thinks He’s Above the Law

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has already proven he doesn’t care about the will of his constituents. Now, he thinks he’s above the law. In a late Friday move-so as to […]

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March 28 2011 Letter from ITUC to Prime Minister of Egypt protesting proposed decree on criminalizing strikes and sit-ins

Letter from the International Truade Union Conference dated March 28, 2011 to the Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt protesting the proposed decree on criminalising strikes and sit-ins

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Thousands rally for organized labor in Calif.: As other states push anti-union legislation, workers in L.A. vow to fight efforts aimed at “busting the middle class”

LOS ANGELES – Thousands of union leaders and workers marched through the streets of downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, vowing and shouting that they would fight for organized labor in […]

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Wis. Protests Are Watershed Opportunity for Working People

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s assault on workers provides a rare watershed opportunity for working people to educate the public about unions and collective bargaining and to create momentum to rebuild […]

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Show us the money

You know you’re getting older when you can recall the minimum wage for Ontario in 1976 was $2.15. But the cost of living back when Disco was the music of […]

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Show us the money

You know you’re getting older when you can recall the minimum wage for Ontario in 1976 was $2.15. But the cost of living back when Disco was the music of […]

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Republicans help only rich: unions

Embattled U.S. union leaders met here Thursday and cast themselves as the defenders of the middle class, vowing to fight Republican attacks on teachers and government workers. “There’s a new […]

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Unions mobilize against Mexican Labour Law reforms

The IMF joins the independent labour movement of Mexico in urging unions and their members to call on government leaders and Mexican Ambassadors to stop these reforms NOW! MEXICO/GLOBAL: The […]

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On Strike? Republicans Don’t Want Your Family to Eat

How low can Republicans go in their attacks on working families and their unions? Think Progress reports today that “a group of House Republicans is launching a new stealth attack […]

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Billionaire Tea Party financiers to lobby Alberta government: Koch Industries owned by billionaire brothers who fund Tea Party, climate change denial

Edmonton – An American energy conglomerate owned by two powerful billionaire brothers who help fund the Tea Party and climate change denial movements in the U.S. has registered to lobby […]

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Class war not welcome

If Marcel Latouche had his way, politicians in Canada would follow the lead of their American counterparts and declare war on public service employees (“Rethinking unions”, March 19). Latouche suggests […]

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California Town Slashes Public Services, Destroys Jobs

In another massive slashing of services and destruction of public service jobs, the California town of Costa Mesa is laying off nearly half its public workforce and outsourcing some key […]

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Walker’s Attacks Strengthen River Falls Faculty Resolve to Vote For Union

Galvanized by Gov. Scott Walker’s move to eliminate their freedom to collectively bargain for good middle-class jobs, faculty at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls voted 148-16 today in favor of […]

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Wisconsin Court Upholds Milwaukee Paid Sick Leave Law

More than two years after Milwaukee voters overwhelmingly passed a paid sick leave city ordinance, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals today upheld the law and lifted an injunction an employer’s […]

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Unions ask Stelmach to confirm he’s not considering U.S.-style attack on the rights of public-sector workers: AFL reveals cabinet minister’s links to think tank pushing Tea Party-style …

Alberta’s largest union organization has asked Premier Ed Stelmach to re-affirm his commitment to honouring the collective-bargaining process with public-sector employees, after it was revealed that a member of the […]

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U.S. energy giant lobbying province: Koch Industries owned by billionaire brothers who fund Tea Party

Edmonton – An American energy conglomerate owned by two powerful billionaire brothers who help fund the Tea Party and climate change denial movements in the U.S. has registered to lobby […]

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March 2011: Wisconsin protests; forklift safety; Alberta govt failing to collect billions; equality still a dream in Alberta; IAMAW 99 fight against CLAC

Workers’ rights under attack! From Wisconsin to Egypt, from Mexico to Canada, the rights of workers are under attack. The right of public-sector unionized workers to bargain collectively has been […]

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Time to track farm safety

Re: “Farm safety picture distorted,” by Thomas Lukaszuk, Letters, March 22. Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk writes to refute the Journal editorial “Confront lax law on farm safety,” Opinion, March 16. […]

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If Election Was Held Today, Michigan’s Snyder Would Lose

If Michigan voters could do it over, they would pick Democrat Virg Bernero as governor over Rick Snyder by a slim margin. That’s a major drop in popularity for Snyder […]

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U.S., Canadian Workers Blast Golden Parachutes for Walker’s Banker Backers

In a show of cross-border solidarity today, Canadian union members joined their U.S. counterparts in a march and rally at the Vancouver, B.C., shareholder meeting of a Canadian bank that […]

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Women salaries trail male counterparts

A lthough International Women’s Day has passed, it’s important to continue to strive for equality. Case in point: a press release from the Alberta Federation of Labour, which shows that […]

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‘People Are Pissed Off’: An Interview With Leo Gerard

Leo Gerard is the international president of the 850,000-member United Steelworkers, the nation’s largest manufacturing union. Although his union represents only a small number of public workers, Gerard has attended […]

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Sask. Party government thumbs its nose at United Nations-ILO

Six months ago the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) found the Sask. Party government guilty of violating the international human rights of Saskatchewan citizens by their introduction and passing […]

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