Tories table Wildrose Budget in all but name: Empty coffers, empty hospitals and empty schools to be part of premier’s legacy

Edmonton – This is the budget the Wildrose Alliance made, says Gil McGowan, leader of Alberta’s largest labour group. “This budget is straight out of the Wildrose Alliance’s playbook – […]

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Major stakeholders in the 2011 budget express their concerns

With many different groups to please, each of the major stakeholders have different items on their wish lists leading up to Thursday’s budget. Aden Murphy, VP External of the U […]

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Shock Doctrine, U.S.A.

Here’s a thought: maybe Madison, Wis., isn’t Cairo after all. Maybe it’s Baghdad – specifically, Baghdad in 2003, when the Bush administration put Iraq under the rule of officials chosen […]

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Price of tax cuts

Re: “Want to make money? Try public service,” Barbara Yaffe, Opinion, Feb. 20, and “Civil servants paid too much,” Editorial, Feb. 22. Yaffe quotes former Reform MP Herb Grubel, who […]

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Walkom: The seductive appeal of union-busting

The story from faraway Wisconsin, insofar as it has been covered at all in the Canadian media, is usually treated as a bit of a joke – one that centres […]

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Wis. Democrats filibuster to delay anti-union bill

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – Democrats kept the Wisconsin Assembly up overnight with a droning filibuster in another desperate attempt to block the Republican governor’s bold plan to strip public sector […]

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Alberta to put pressure on forklift safety

The Alberta government’s move to scrutinize forklift safety on work sites in a provincewide blitz starting Tuesday is long overdue, says the mother of a young man who was crushed […]

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CLC Statement on Wisconsin State Attacking Collective Bargaining Rights

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is deeply concerned about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s efforts to strip collective bargaining rights from 175,000 public sector workers. If enacted, the proposed legislation will […]

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Forklift safety inspections welcomed, but not enough says labour group: Mandatory training and certification needed to save lives, says AFL

An increase in the number of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections at worksites where forklifts are used has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the […]

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Alberta government starts forklift safety blitz

SHERWOOD PARK – The Alberta government’s new inspection blitz of forklift operations is a good initiative, but on its own won’t be enough to protect workers from accidents, said the […]

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Increased forklift inspections not enough for AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour feels more must be done to improve forklift safety in the province. AFL President Gil McGowan says the government’s announcement of a few weeks of […]

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Unions call for probe into missing billions: Auditor General asked to examine why government is failing to meet its own revenue targets

As Albertans brace for yet another budget that includes deep cuts to vital services, a coalition of unions is calling on Alberta’s Auditor General to investigate why the government is […]

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February 2011: Operation Hockey; Farm deaths spur calls to change work-safety laws; fight for REAL pension reform continues; Athabasca Univ Pension Course

Big fun in Little Buffalo Union members, human-rights activists and members of the Lubicon Cree took to the ice at the newly opened hockey rink in Little Buffalo at the […]

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Canada must rethink the value of shipping oil south

The new Keystone XL pipeline project threatens our environment, our job opportunities, and our energy security, so why isn’t Canada taking the issue seriously? The battle to stop the Keystone […]

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Farmworker fight continues for AFL

Groups agitating for extension of the province’s occupational health and safety laws to protect farm workers are again attempting to push the contentious issue to the fore in Alberta. Earlier […]

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Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved

Obama’s bitterest political enemies already import and refine 25 percent of oil sands crude reaching the U.S., and stand to profit from an increased flow The Keystone XL pipeline, awaiting […]

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Finding hope in a hockey rink: Project aims to improve life for the Lubicon Cree

Here’s one for the books — unions, employers and human-rights activists working together on a project to improve the lives of a forgotten First Nations community in Alberta. These seemingly […]

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With Morton out of cabinet, Alberta must reverse position on pension reform

AFL calls on government to revive CPP proposal, as poll proves it’s what Albertans want With Ted Morton no longer in cabinet, it’s time for the Alberta government to listen […]

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Some seniors working past retirement age

Every morning Robert McDonald gets up just after 4 a.m. in order to get to work as a delivery truck driver in downtown Edmonton for 6:30. Up until a year […]

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Journeymen can now supervise up to two apprentices

Journeymen in Alberta will now be allowed to supervise up to two apprentices. The rules changed on January 31st, increasing the ratio from 1:1. Even though critics say safety will […]

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With Morton out of cabinet, Alberta must reverse position on pension reform: AFL calls on government to revive CPP proposal, as poll proves it’s what Albertans want

With Ted Morton no longer in cabinet, it’s time for the Alberta government to listen to its own citizens on pension reform and reverse its opposition to increasing Canada Pension […]

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On-site investigation of CNRL coker fire continues

A crane arrived on the Horizon oilsands project Saturday to help get a better view of the damage caused by the coker fire earlier this month. “The crane was put […]

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Alberta employment minister under pressure to change farm safety: Stakeholders write letters to minister asking for legislative changes to cover farm workers

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) called on Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk to extend health and safety laws to protect farm workers. “Three more Alberta farm workers have died in […]

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Audit reveals safety violations on construction sites

Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan reacted to a special government health and safety audit of commercial construction sites, calling the results a “shocking wake-up call,” and the “clearest […]

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