Alberta workplace safety records could face public scrutiny: Minister wants to publish employers’ names

Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk said Thursday he will publicly identify employers who consistently ignore safety orders, once he finds a way around privacy issues. Opposition parties, unions and academics called […]

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Report of the Alberta Auditor General (April 2010) – Occupational Health and Safety

Write Employment and Immigration Minister and the Premier! Apr 15, 2010 Issue: Report of the Alberta Auditor General (April 2010) – Occupationa Health and Safety Action Requested: Write the Minister […]

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The lives of thousands of working Albertans are being put at risk by government’s shocking reluctance to enforce its own workplace safety rules

AFL calls for immediate implementation of Auditor General’s recommendation for a crackdown on employers who repeatedly break the law Yesterday’s report from Alberta’s Auditor General reveals a fundamental flaw that […]

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Morton’s remarks suggest Alberta is abandoning its leadership role in the search for solutions to Canada’s looming retirement income crisis

Finance minister downplays seriousness of issue and suggests the problem can be addressed by increasing the retirement age and requiring more seniors to sell their homes to raise cash CALGARY […]

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Alberta embodies need for pension reform: expert

Andrew Kohsel can testify on multiple fronts to a growing problem plaguing many of today’s seniors — and will soon spread to a large swath of baby boomers. As the […]

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More out of work: StatsCan

With the latest Statistics Canada figure showing Alberta’s unemployment rate has risen to 7.5%, the province’s largest union group says the numbers reflect the Tories’ lack of stimulus spending. Despite […]

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Jobless rate hits 14-year high: Rise in number of jobseekers blamed for Alberta surge in March

Where did 9,700 Albertans ready to work if they could only find a job come from?A surge in jobseekers boosted Alberta’s unemployment rate 0.6 percentage points to 7.5 per cent […]

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Alberta jobless rate hits 14-year high: Province appears left out of recovery

Alberta lost jobs for the third consecutive month in March as the unemployment rate rose to its highest level in 14 years, figures released Friday show. Despite signs of an […]

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Latest jobless figures show Albertans are paying the price for Stelmach government’s ongoing refusal to stimulate the economy

Alberta is only province in Canada that continues to shed jobs – and it’s also the only province that didn’t increase spending to deal with the recession. It’s no coincidence […]

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Trip inspires Lubicon youth to fight for rights: Teens visit United Nations in New York as part of human rights delegation

Leticia Gladue is a little embarrassed to admit it, but her bathroom at home is an outhouse. Dawn Seeseequon has no running water in her home so she showers at […]

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Farm fatalities fall to 13 in 2009: Industry awaits word on changes to safety rules

Thirteen Albertans died of farm-related injuries last year, including a six-year-old boy who was kicked in the head by a horse and a 76-year-old woman who was crushed by a […]

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Hundreds rally against public spending cuts

EDMONTON – Hundreds of chanting protesters from across the province marched through downtown Edmonton to the Alberta legislature on Saturday, demanding the provincial government stop spending cuts to public services. […]

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Hundreds protest Alberta services cuts

Hundreds of people gathered at the Alberta legislature on Saturday afternoon to protest cuts to public services. Chanting “Save Our Services,” the protesters carried signs warning of cuts to funding […]

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PUBLIC SECTOR CUTS: Joining together brings success: Join Together Alberta redoubles efforts to change this year’s provincial budget

Workers in Alberta helped to prevent more severe cuts from happening in the 2010 Alberta budget, but the work is not over for the unions, advocacy groups, students and individuals […]

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Alberta stats confirm frontline evidence of foreign worker abuse

TORONTO, ONT–The violation of the workplace rights of many Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) in Alberta “reinforces what we’ve reported for years now,” says Wayne Hanley, the National President of UFCW […]

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March 2010: Budget is cutting budget; Alberta women falling behind; Sklar Peppler boycott; Join Together Alberta

Despite all the spin, the recent budget is a cutting budget While the Stelmach government boosted health-care spending and held the line on education spending, in other ministries it was […]

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Alberta Women Are Falling Behind: Gender issues met with “deafening silence” in government

Whether there’s a boom or a bust, the economic reality facing women in Alberta is that they are falling further and further behind men. A new study by the Edmonton-based […]

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2005 January Submission WCB “Surplus Distribution Strategy” Discussion Paper

2005 January Submission WCB “Surplus Distribution Strategy” Discussion Paper

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