January 2010: Join Together Alberta; Old Dutch lockout ends; Next Up Alberta

Join Together Alberta – a coalition campaign to save Alberta’s public services. The Join Together Alberta campaign was conceived and launched jointly by a number of Alberta unions and union […]

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Alberta heads for another jobs crisis – and this time it will be self-inflicted

Deep public-sector spending cuts will kill tens of thousands of private-sector jobs, along with public ones The Stelmach government will stifle Alberta’s fragile recovery and create its own made-in-Alberta recession […]

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Labour coalition takes aim at Ted Morton

Premier Ed Stelmach’s new cabinet members are to be sworn in this morning at Government House but the attack on one new minister has already begun. Public service organizations are […]

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Morton warns Alberta’s spending ‘buffet’ coming to an end

As Premier Ed Stelmach warned Thursday that Albertans should brace for a leaner budget, his new finance minister issued his own missive: The province’s all-you-can-eat spending buffet is about to […]

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Coalition to rally opposition to budget cuts

Gil McGowan of the Alberta Federation of Labour says there’s growing public opposition to planned government cuts. (CBC)A coalition of 10 unions and lobby groups launched a new campaign Friday […]

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Suncor asset sale a sign of permanent structural shift in gas patch

CALGARY – Suncor’s decision this week to unwind its natural-gas business points to what could be a permanent structural shift that highlights the decreasing competitiveness of Alberta’s natural gas patch, […]

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Stelmach loyalists among the shuffled

EDMONTON – Premier Ed Stelmach softened the face of his government’s health reforms and signalled a shift to the fiscal right in a cabinet shuffle Wednesday. With his party falling […]

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AFL President concerned over Morton in Finance

Alberta’s public service in jeopardy, McGowan says Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, expressed grave concern over Premier Ed Stelmach’s pick for Finance Minister in his new cabinet announced […]

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Liepert is out as health minister

The premier officially announced the cabinet shuffle on Wednesday. As predicted, Ron Liepert has been removed from the health portfolio and will now serve as minister of energy. The new […]

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Premier announces major overhaul of Alberta cabinet amid dismal poll results

EDMONTON – Premier Ed Stelmach is overhauling Alberta’s 24-member cabinet in attempt to turn around his Progressive Conservative government’s sagging popularity. Fiscal hawk Ted Morton moves to finance, where the […]

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Suncor cuts shine light on weakness of Alberta gas

CALGARY- Suncor’s decision to unwind its natural gas business points to what could be a permanent structural shift that highlights the decreasing competitiveness of Alberta’s natural gas patch, observers said […]

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Year-end labour force numbers show Albertans are still hurting as province begins to emerge from recession

Recovery could be smothered in its infancy by provincial budget and job cuts, warns AFL Year-end employment figures released this morning by Statistics Canada paint a picture of an Alberta […]

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AFL says Evans was wearing “rose-coloured glasses”

EDMONTON – As the latest employment figures were released Friday, government critics suggest Finance Minister Iris Evans was looking through “rose-coloured glasses” last year when she predicted just 15,000 Albertans […]

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Plug pulled on lawsuit challenging EPCOR privatization

A retired lawyer’s legal fight with the city and EPCOR ended after his lawsuit challenging EPCOR’s multibillion-dollar sale of their power-generating assets was dismissed in court yesterday. “I think I’ve […]

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Stelmach policy hurts upgrading

Polls have consistently shown that Albertans want to keep valuable oilsands upgrading and refining jobs in the province instead of shipping them down a pipeline to processing facilities in the […]

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Job gains mostly part-time: Only 200 new full-time Alberta jobs in October, out of 12,600 created

Alberta’s unemployment rate edged down to 7.4 per cent in November as 12,800 people found jobs –the largest monthly increase since October 2008. The provincial jobless rate dropped 0.1 percentage […]

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What’s happened to the full-time jobs? asks AFL in wake of latest job figures

Labour leader in Calgary today to talk to Alberta manufacturing workers, one of the groups hardest hit by recession Please note that, due to weather conditions in Alberta today, Gil […]

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MLAs freeze wages again, but Tories reject pay review

MLA wages will be frozen for a second straight year but an all-party committee– dominated by Tories–has rejected a proposal to strike up an independent panel to review politicians’ pay […]

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Edmonton mourning the loss of activist

Hundreds of Edmontonians are gathering today to celebrate the life of an active labour activist in our community. Thomas Olenuk most recently served as the president of the Edmonton and […]

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Labour activist Olenuk mourned

Thomas Olenuk, a well-known union activist who was most recently president of the Edmonton and District Labour Council, has died at the age of 57. Thomas Olenuk, 57, was a […]

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Government case of $2 billion in cuts is a shaky one: Cutting jobs and services isn’t justified by the numbers and will inflict further pain on a labour force that’s already hurting

The president of Alberta’s largest union advocacy organization is baffled as to why the Stelmach government seems determined to cut public sector jobs and services even though the province’s fiscal […]

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Deeper Transformation: “Greening” capitalism is not enough to fix the climate

As the next round of international climate change talks in Copenhagen approaches, the Canadian and Alberta governments are both doing everything they can to reinforce their long-standing position that doing […]

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Stelmach questions attitudes of victims of the recession

Premier Ed Stelmach is in hot water after suggesting some of those who lost their jobs in this recession need to change their attitudes. The comments came as the premier […]

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