Investing in the future

Ten years ago, David MacDonald felt completely lost at a seminar on mutual funds. “There was just this sea of grey hair, with two 20-year-olds at the back,” he recalls. […]

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Stelmach questions employability of unskilled workers

Premier Ed Stelmach speaks during an evening rally at the Capri Hotel in Red Deer, AB on November 6, 2009 during the Alberta PC party convention. (Jordan Verlage/Sun Media) The […]

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EPCOR’s dismal 3rd quarter results prove Edmonton City Council should never have relinquished control of power generation assets

EPCOR CEO Don Lowry is living in fantasy world if he thinks his dramatically diminished corporation will ever generate $130 million in dividends for the citizens of Edmonton again, says […]

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A better nest egg for our retirement

More than half of Canadians fear they aren’t saving enough money for their retirement. Unfortunately, their fears are justified. Statistics show one in five Canadian working households have no retirement […]

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Staying home when you’re sick not so easy in Alberta

Thanks to the H1N1 virus, society is finally coming to understand how critical it is to prevent the spread of viral infections.It’s unfortunate that it took a real global threat […]

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2000 September Submission House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance 2001 Pre-Budget Consult

2000 September Submission House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance 2001 Pre-Budget Consult

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How we’re creating an illegal workforce

Foreigners in Canada on temporary work permits are being pushed into Toronto’s underground economy by the recession and a controversial federal program that leaves them vulnerable to abuse, a Star […]

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Major Calgary companies on watch for H1N1: Labour group concerned about unpaid leave

CALGARY – Corporate giants in Calgary have yet to see an uptick in employee absenteeism as flu season, and H1N1 in particular, arrives, but continue to monitor the situation closely […]

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AFL pushing for changes to cope with H1N1

The Alberta Federation of Labour is pushing for change in the wake of the H1N1 pandemic. Concerns are being raised about why front-line workers like police and EMS have not […]

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Labour calls for law to aid workers with flu

The Alberta Federation of Labour called on the provincial government Wednesday to amend the labour code to protect workers who take days off with the H1N1 virus. “We don’t think […]

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Guidance for exchange of medical information in Alberta

Human rights commission develops information sheets for all parties involved in managing medical work absences The Alberta Human Rights Commission is getting the word out to help clarify the rights […]

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Follow the doctor’s orders on H1N1 and lose your job!

AFL calls for changes to Employment Standards Code that would make it easier for people to stay home from work when they’re experiencing swine flu symptoms If the Alberta government […]

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The Flu, you & your job

The Alberta Federation of Labour wants an emergency meeting with Employment Minister Hector Goudreau to push for changes in legislation to protect workers who follow medical advice and stay home […]

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Residents in Alberta’s smaller centres want better access to H1N1 vaccine

EDMONTON – Alberta Health Minister Ron Liepert said today hospital emergency wards and medical clinics are experiencing an increase in patients and inquires connected to H1N1 concerns. The influx is […]

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Workers with no benefits debate staying home sick

Alberta needs legal protection for workers who don’t have sick leave benefits but are being urged to stay home if they’re not feeling well, particularly in flu season. Health professionals […]

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Alberta PCs will be under pressure at Red Deer Convention

Pressure will be on delegates at Alberta’s Progressive Conservative Party convention in Red Deer on Nov. 7 to halt the province’s funding cuts to health care, education and other social […]

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AUPE names activist to top post

EDMONTON – Faced with the “almighty task” of leading Alberta’s largest civil service union through some of the toughest challenges it has faced in nearly two decades, Guy Smith will […]

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Speaking Notes – AFL-TWU Rally in Edmonton

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour Good evening and thank you all for coming. We’ve organized this rally tonight to send a message to Telus. And based […]

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Alberta government extends bitumen royalty in kind program by two years

CALGARY _ If anyone wants to see Alberta´s oilsands upgrading industry get a boost from the government as quickly as possible, it´s businesses in Alberta´s industrial heartland, just outside Edmonton. […]

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October 2009: Attacks on health care; EI failing working people in Alberta; Pension reform; Send Old Dutch a message

Wrong Way! Stelmach vows to proceed with attacks on health care … In his recent televised address to the province, Premier Ed Stelmach vowed to press on with plans for […]

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Alberta Premier to reveal budget plans over airwaves: Stelmach’s pre-taped speech will address strategy for balancing finances in timely fashion and touch on health care and seniors

Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach will take to the airwaves this week to deliver a plan to return the ailing province to a balanced budget in a “reasonable period of time.” […]

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Spin-Off And Sale Of Epcor Assets Stand: Union group loses their bid to shut down deal as judge rules in favour of city council

The mayor and city councillors acted legally when they privately approved the sale of Epcor shares in April, the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench announced Friday, Sept. 25. The court […]

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Alberta’s oil hangover

In Fort McMurray, it’s been a bad year for the cocaine and snowmobile dealers but boom times for the repo companies; thousands of oil sands workers are returning to places […]

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Unions lose court battle over EPCOR

It’s back to the drawing board, for the unions challenging the city’s decision to split up EPCOR. The Alberta Federation of Labour, along with two other city unions took the […]

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