March 2009: Rights for farm workers; Health and safety postcard campaign; Project 2012 Booklet; Save the Wheat Board

Rights for Farm Workers! The AFL is joining with UFCW Canada in a campaign to include farm workers in Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act. The campaign is a result […]

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Lost Down the Pipeline: In these difficult economic times, is the Alberta government doing enough to keep value-added oil-sands jobs in Canada?

Lost Down the Pipeline: In these difficult economic times, is the Alberta government doing enough to keep value-added oil-sands in Canada? The real question now is: will we learn the […]

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Foreign workers in Alta. face uncertain fate

EDMONTON – The number of temporary foreign workers in Alberta doubled during the last two years of the boom to reach 57,843 – more than the population of Grande Prairie, […]

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Industry says implementation of oilsands strategy will be key

The province said its oilsands strategic plan announced Thursday will benefit both industry and the environment, while sending a message to the world that Alberta’s economic engine isn’t going to […]

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Report shows Tories have waved the white flag of surrender in battle to keep Alberta oil sands jobs from being shipped down the pipeline

When it comes to Premier Stelmach’s oft-repeated promise to keep oil sands jobs in Alberta instead of shipping them down the pipeline to the U.S., his government’s new oil sands […]

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End the Harvest of Death: Farmworkers deserve safety protection

On June 18, 2006, Kevan Chandler went to work, as usual, as a farm worker at the local feed mill. He never made it home again that day. While cleaning […]

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End the Harvest of Death

On June 18, 2006, Kevan Chandler went to work, as usual, as a farmworker at the local feedmill. He never made it home again that day. While cleaning out a […]

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Federal budget fails to end EI discrimination against Albertans: only 1 in 5 eligible for benefits

EDMONTON – Stephen Harper may represent an Alberta riding, but he certainly wasn’t thinking of the growing number of unemployed people in his home province when he and his cabinet […]

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January 2009: New Labour Economic Monitor; EPCOR privatization; Project 2012 Poster 1

When the Economic Party is Over… Someone has to clean up the mess. The latest Labour Economic Monitor, the AFL’s digest of economic statistics and analysis, is out – and […]

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Oil sands layoffs coming down pipeline; The impact of reduced captial spending budgets is beginning to make itself felt in service providers

CALGARY — The big retreat from plans to expand oil sands projects has begun to show up in job losses and declines in expected corporate revenue. Flint Energy Services Ltd. […]

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December 2008: Support new coalition

Let’s Make Parliament Work – Support the New Coalition Stephen Harper has failed. He promised in the election to make the minority government work and to address the economic crisis. […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (December 2008)

Labour Economic Monitor (December 2008) The May 2007 issue of Labour Economic Monitor compared a booming economy to a party, where some of the guests have a bit too much […]

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Alberta and B.C. labour unions demand changes to temporary foreign worker program

Unions in B.C. and Alberta are demanding changes be made to the temporary foreign worker (TFW) program to allow for permanent residency. However, this pathway to citizenship has already been […]

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Plunging oil prices to have spillover effects onto rest of Canada

CALGARY – The effects of plunging oil prices on Alberta’s once red hot economy will stretch well beyond the oil laden province’s boundaries, touching everything from Ontario steel pipe producers […]

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Employer charged after rape of worker: Guard sexually assaulted while alone on job site

A private security company has been charged with failing to ensure the safety of a female employee who was raped while working alone two years ago. Garda Canada Security Corp. […]

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Keeping teenagers alive on the job: Provincial ad campaign emphasizes workplace safety

EDMONTON – For 16-year-old Mitchell Tanner, last summer’s full-time gig at Rona was the real deal. “Mitchie had had jobs before, but this was his first actual job,’” said Marjorie […]

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Alberta students taking workplace safety ads to heart

Jason Reid covered his face as he heard the bone cracking and saw the leg breaking at the ankle. The worker-safety video may be a dramatization, but it was based […]

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Oct 2008: New government safety ads fall flat; Unions and coops; National boycott of Petro-Canada

New Government Safety Ads Fall Flat New, gory health and safety ads from the Alberta government aimed at young workers strike the wrong chord with workers. The new, web-only, ads […]

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Unions rap safety campaign

A labour group is giving Alberta’s video campaign aimed at reducing injuries among young workers the thumbs down. The $850,000 campaign features six graphic videos of young workers getting hurt […]

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Alberta young worker safety videos don’t address training, supervision: unions

EDMONTON – A labour group is giving Alberta’s gory video campaign aimed at reducing injuries among young workers the thumbs down. The $850,000 government campaign features six graphic videos of […]

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New Safety Ads A Missed Opportunity

The Alberta government released a set of web-only safety ads today aimed at young workers. The ads are graphic and gory and attempt to highlight dangers common in youth workplaces. […]

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Inquiry to examine farm safety: Wife has pushed for review of 2006 death

An inquiry into the death of a man killed while working on a farm two years ago will open today — a hearing labour officials hope will highlight the “deeply […]

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Tory minority government means few changes for construction industry, associations say

The return of a Tory minority government to Ottawa does not mean much of anything new for construction, say some industry officials. “Things have not changed that much,” said Michael […]

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Lots Of Talk, Not A Lot Of Decisions: The annual Alberta Liberal convention revealed a party still reluctant to act boldly

It was a tale of two parties last weekend as supporters of both the Alberta Progressive Conservatives and Liberals gathered for their annual general meeting and conventions. As Ed Stelmach […]

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