National Energy Board rules against labour motion to subpoena witnesses from Big Oil

CALGARY – Under heavy cross-examination from union lawyers, the man in charge of the proposed Keystone mega-pipeline admitted he doesn’t really know how much raw bitumen from Alberta will be […]

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Labour groups lead charge to keep value-added jobs in Alberta

NEB Hearings on pipeline to move unrefined oilsands to U.S. begin CALGARY – Hearings begin this week before the National Energy Board in Calgary to determine whether or not the […]

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A sobering message

If this isn’t a political slap up the side of the head I don’t know what is. But will Ed Stelmach and the Alberta Tories get the message? Calgary pollster […]

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Employers in Alberta need to wake up

[Edmonton] With Alberta facing a growing number of labour disputes, the Alberta Federation of Labour said today that it’s time for employers to take a reality check before they enter […]

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Changes to royalty regime could threaten viability of natural gas; Industry appeals for status quo as it struggles with exploding costs

CALGARY – Wholesale changes to Alberta’s royalty regime could threaten the viability of natural gas production in the province and raise rates for consumers, industry insiders told the Alberta government’s […]

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Alberta Government Should Consider Taking Equity Position In Oil Sands Projects, AFL Tells Royalty Panel

If major oil companies balk at paying higher royalty rates on oil sands projects, then the Alberta government should consider developing the resource themselves by working in equity partnerships with […]

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Labour Movement Calls for Shutdown of CNRL Tank Farm

CALGARY — At its Biennial Convention today, Alberta Federation of Labour delegates voted unanimously for a resolution calling for the immediate shutdown of the CNRL Tank Farm site north of […]

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Seizing the Time: Collective Bargaining in a Boom Economy (2007)

Seizing the Time: Collective Bargaining in a Boom Economy (May 2007) Policy paper adopted at AFL 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10-13, 2007

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Seizing the Day: Organizing during Boom Times (2007)

Seizing the Day: Organizing during Boom Times (May 2007) Policy paper adopted at AFL 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10-13, 2007

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Making Gains for All: Political Change During a Boom (2007)

Making Gains for All: Political Change During a Boom (May 2007) Policy paper adopted at AFL 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10-13, 2007

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Climate Change Policy Paper (2007)

Climate Change Policy Paper (May 2007) Policy paper adopted at AFl 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10-13, 2007

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Policy Statement on Child Care (2007)

Policy Statement on Child Care (May 2007) Policy statement presented at AFL 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10 – 13, 2007

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Anatomy of a Boom (2007)

Anatomy of a Boom (May 2007) Policy paper adopted at AFL 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10 – 13, 2007

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AFL sets up Temporary Foreign Worker Advocate Office

The Alberta Federation of Labour is creating a new Temporary Foreign Worker Advocate Office to help protect the basic human and workplace rights of vulnerable foreign workers in the province. […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (May 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (May 2007) In fact, the 2007 Budget demonstrates clearly that the government has no idea of how to proceed. The basic economic strategy remains unchanged: sell off […]

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Two-and-a-half Workers a Week. The Price of Prosperity?

On the eve of the 12th International Day of Mourning, which will be commemorated around the world on Saturday April 28, the Alberta Federation of Labour called on government, employers […]

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Workplace Tragedy Raises Many Questions

The Alberta Federation of Labour is demanding a full and transparent investigation into the death of two workers and injury to four others yesterday in Fort McMurray. The AFL is […]

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Government warned to control development

[Calgary] “The Stelmach government must act now to control the pace of development,” says AFL President Gil McGowan. “The province is already paying too great a price for their past […]

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Will Australian Billionaire resolve Palace Casino strike in Edmonton?

In a letter sent today to James D. Packer, Executive Chairman of PBL Publishing & Broadcasting Ltd. – the Australian publishing, broadcasting and gambling giant – the Alberta Federation of […]

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AFL Joins Campaign for Province-Wide Smoking Ban

The AFL joined with Action on Smoking and Health, Alberta Cancer Board and the Alberta Chamber of Commerce today to launch a campaign to urge the Alberta government to implement […]

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Oilsands pipeline to U.S. a job killer: labour group; Study says 18,000 jobs in the balance

The head of the Alberta Federation of Labour says TransCanada Corp.’s proposed Keystone pipeline to the United States is a job killer that needs to be stopped. In a submission […]

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Labour wants Keystone pipeline put on hold

[Edmonton] In a submission to the National Energy Board (NEB) on April 13, 2007, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) argues that the Keystone pipeline project that is currently before […]

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2007 April Statement Responding to New LRB Protocol on Consultations with Government

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Tuesday, April 3, 2007 Just under four years ago, the Alberta government introduced and passed a controversial law that radically altered […]

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New LRB Protocol a Victory for Transparency

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) and the Communications Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) jointly announced today that they are withdrawing their legal action […]

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