Some Boom – Wages Up a Measly 1.4%

The first issue of a new quarterly publication from the Alberta Federation of Labour finds that weekly wages in Alberta are only up 1.4% in 2006, after accounting for inflation. […]

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The sky isn’t falling on Alberta’s labour market – yet

But it may be time to slow pace of oil sands development When it comes to discussions about the labour force in Alberta, it’s hard not to be reminded of […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (Summer 2006)

Labour Economic Monitor (Summer 2006) The following report is intended to give trade unionists reliable, current information on the provincial economy. The data is drawn from government sources, including Statistics […]

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Lack of Transparency, Accountability at Labour Relations Board Creates “Crisis in Confidence”

EDMONTON-The AFL today released a study conducted by Dr. Lorne Sossin, Associate Dean of Law at the University of Toronto, examining the conduct of the Alberta Labour Relations Board in […]

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Conference Board Report “Ludicrous” in its Labour Shortage Estimates

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted swiftly today to the release of a new Conference Board of Canada report saying that by 2025, Alberta will have an annual shortfall of […]

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2006 June Speech Canadian Institute’s Resource Industry

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 13, 2006 Sometimes life proceeds as expected – sometimes you get thrown a curve ball Getting an invitation to speak […]

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Government and business Reaping What They Have Sown in Over-heated Labour Market

CALGARY – Unreasonably low royalty rates and years of under-investment in trades training have combined to create the tight labour market that so many Alberta business leaders and politicians are […]

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12-Year Olds in Restaurants Rules Changed to Satisfy Big Donor to Conservatives

When the Alberta government changed employment standards rules governing 12-year olds working in restaurants last year, one of the big mysteries was “why”. That question was answered today, when an […]

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FOIP Request Shows Employers Flaunting New Rules Allowing 12-year olds in Restaurants

EDMONTON-Nine months into new rules allowing restaurants to hire 12 and 13 year olds it is clear they are failing to protect young workers says the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Independent Board and the Legislative Process

The Independent Board and the Legislative Process This report considers the independence and impartiality of the Alberta Labour Relations Board (“ALRB”) in relation to allegations that the Chair and Vice […]

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Temporary Foreign Workers a “Lose-Lose” Proposition

EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour, Alberta’s largest labour organization, released today a formal policy statement on the controversial issue of temporary foreign workers. The statement is jointly crafted by the […]

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It’s not racism, it’s union-busting

Re: “Trades groups taken to task for ‘racist overtones’,” Al Duerr, Opinion, April 28. When it comes to public debates, one of the oldest tricks in the book is to […]

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Real Issue is union-busting, not racism

When it comes to public debates, one of the oldest tricks in the book is to attack your opponent’s character and question his motives. If you can successfully paint the […]

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Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the need for measured reforms to Alberta’s system for skills training

Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the need for measured reforms to Alberta’s system for skills training When thinking about Alberta’s labour market recently, it’s hard not to be reminded of the […]

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Dark Side of a Boom – Worker Death Rate Hits 25-Year High

EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour today blamed government inaction on health and safety enforcement for the rising number of workplace fatalities in Alberta. The AFL made the observation on the […]

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Unions urged to make common cause with employers in opposing Third Way

As members of the provincial government caucus prepare to gather in Calgary tomorrow for a meeting that could decide the fate of the so-called “Third Way”, the Alberta Federation of […]

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Majority of Albertans do not support federal child care plans

Edmonton – A poll conducted by Public Interest Alberta (PIA) and the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) indicates that most Albertans do not support the Harper government’s plans to replace […]

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2006 April Presentation Edmonton Chamber of Commerce – Calculating the Real Costs of the Third Way

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, April 12, 2006 When it comes to politics in Alberta, there really have been only two issues that have dominated public […]

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Business and government have it wrong on labour shortage concerns, says AFL

EDMONTON-Alberta’s largest union organization, the Alberta Federation of Labour, weighed into the debate over skills shortages today by unveiling a detailed new policy paper, entitled “Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the […]

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When will we learn? Day of Mourning remembers 143 Alberta workers killed last year

Last year in Alberta 143 workers were killed because of work. This is the highest number of fatalities in 25 years, and the sixth worst in Alberta’s 101 year history. […]

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Proposed “Third Way” in health care could cost Alberta businesses a bundle, says AFL

The so-called Third Way in health care may be Premier Klein’s “hobby horse” – but Health Minister Iris Evans shouldn’t feel obliged to hop on board, says AFL president Gil […]

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Unions cry foul over “Family Day Massacre” at Ed-Web printers

EDMONTON-Alberta unions are up in arms after learning about an “unethical and probably illegal” scheme to bust the union at a prominent Edmonton printing company. “It’s bad enough that they’ve […]

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Government cooperated with developer to cut union workers out of Horizon mega-project

EDMONTON-Documents recently filed with the Court of Queen’s Bench in Edmonton show that the provincial cabinet used its power to over-ride existing labour law in a bid to help a […]

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Oilsands Project to Import Chinese Workers – May Breach Rules Regarding Foreign Workers

EDMONTON-Documents released by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and Alberta Building Trades Council (ABTC) show that Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL), the lead partner in the Horizon oil sands […]

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