



PBO debunks worker shortage myth
Mar 25, 2014

Exposes bogus rationale for TFW program Edmonton – There is no significant shortage of workers or skills in Canada, according to a new report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO). […]

Frontline public employees rally today against imposed cuts to modest pensions
Mar 20, 2014

Frontline public employees are rallying today at multiple locations throughout Alberta to defend their modest pensions against imposed cuts to their retirement savings unilaterally introduced by the Redford Government. “Nobody […]

Stand Up for Your Pension Rallies Speech by Gil McGowan, AFL President March 20th – Day of Action
Mar 20, 2014

Speech by Gil McGowan, AFL President March 20th – Day of Action There are hundreds of people here today – but you’re not alone. As we speak, thousands of public-sector […]

Dec 31, 2013 Projection of Financial Positions, LAPP, PSPP_updated 2014Feb27
Mar 7, 2014

Dec 31, 2013 Projection of Financial Positions, LAPP, PSPP_updated 2014Feb27

Redford government fudging pension numbers
Mar 7, 2014

New analysis reveals truth about Alberta’s shrinking pension liability EDMONTON – The unfunded liability of Alberta’s public-sector pension plans is already a billion dollars smaller than Finance Minister Doug Horner […]

MEDIA ADVISORY: Government fudging numbers on pension liability
Mar 7, 2014

Analysis shows unfunded liability getting smaller by about $1 billion EDMONTON – Alberta’s public-sector pension plans are getting healthier, despite what Finance Minister Doug Horner claims. Analysis by independent actuarial […]