



Alberta budget based on lies
Mar 6, 2014

Government puts itself on “collision course” with workers Edmonton – Today’s provincial budget is a flawed document designed around false economies and myths about public-sector workers. During his budget speech, […]

2014 Labour Coalition on Pensions – Open Ltr to LAPP Members – Mar 6
Mar 6, 2014

Labour Coalition on Pensions – Open Letter to LAPP Members – March 6, 2014

Alberta Public-sector wages are “statistically indistinguishable” from private sector
Mar 5, 2014

U of T study busts myth that public-sector wages out-of-line with the private sector Edmonton – Alberta’s public-sector workers are paid, on average, the same as their private-sector counterparts, according […]

2014 Backgrounder: Public-sector Wages
Mar 5, 2014

AFL Backgrounder: Public-sector Wages March 5, 2014

Action Alert: Rally at the Leg for Pension Fairness
Mar 3, 2014

Rally at the Leg to defend pensions The Redford Government has proposed costly and irresponsible changes to your pension plan. Make your voice heard on the first day of the […]

Redford’s vision-free Throne Speech pledges more broken promises
Mar 3, 2014

More public service cuts coming, says Alberta Federation of Labour Edmonton – AFL President Gil McGowan said the Speech from the Throne is a blueprint for a rehash of Redford’s […]