



AFL exposes secret grant
Jan 7, 2014

“Are Tories attempting to buy academic endorsement of government policy?” asks McGowan Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour has released documents that suggest the Redford government has been spending […]

500 000 grant to U of C School on Public Policy
Jan 7, 2014

500,000 grant to U of C School on Public Policy – attachment to release 1

AFL blasts Northern Gateway decision
Dec 19, 2013

Conditions placed on approval won’t stop pipeline from shipping high-value jobs overseas Edmonton – Despite the evidence that the Northern Gateway will be detrimental to the interests of Canadians, the […]

December 2013: Anti-worker Bills 45 and 46-FAQs, fact sheets, news releases; Labour leaders stand up for retirement income; did you know-facts on retirement income, AFL Open House
Dec 19, 2013

Urgent Action Alberta Federation of Labour Open House On Tuesday, February 11, the Alberta Federation of Labour invites you to attend our annual open house. The open house, which is […]

2013 CPP Ad_Edm Journal Section A12_2013Dec13
Dec 13, 2013

2013 CPP Ad_Edm Journal Section A12_2013Dec13

Redford needs to stop blocking sensible CPP reforms
Dec 13, 2013

Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) ads say Redford has an opportunity to make positive history – or to go down in the books as the Premier who ignored Canada’s retirement […]