



Taxes, service cuts hot topics at Redford’s economic summit
Feb 10, 2013

CALGARY – Premier Alison Redford’s first economic summit primed Albertans for a consumption tax, foreshadowed coming service cuts and reiterated the need to access new markets for oilsands products. Virtually […]

Much talk of sales tax at economic summit, but Redford says ‘nowhere near’ that
Feb 9, 2013

CALGARY – Alberta Premier Alison Redford says a sales tax isn’t on the agenda, even though many of the panellists at an economic summit that her government convened Saturday said […]

AFL targets royalties and upgrading at economic summit
Feb 8, 2013

Federation president to set the record straight on bitumen glut Edmonton – AFL president Gil McGowan will be tackling Alberta’s revenue problem this Saturday at the Alberta Economic Summit. The […]

2013 Fact Sheet_Revenue, spending and public sector wages
Feb 8, 2013

2013 Fact Sheet_Revenue, spending and public sector wages

Report says pipeline squeeze could be ‘devastating’ to Canadian economy
Feb 7, 2013

CALGARY – The inability to get western Canadian crude to the right markets is costing the country’s economy dearly, according to a new report paid for by the Saskatchewan government. […]

Refine it at home to pop bitumen bubble: AFL
Feb 7, 2013

Alberta’s current financial woes may offer a silver lining, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. Two weeks after Premier Alison Redford warned the province that resource royalties were expected to […]