



2013 AFL Submission to Standing Com. on Alberta’s Economic Future Study of the BRIK Program
Feb 6, 2013

2013 AFL Submission to Standing Com. on Alberta’s Economic Future Study of the BRIK Program

Secret Government of Alberta documents show upgrading is economic
Feb 6, 2013

AFL releases Energy Department analysis obtained under FOIP Edmonton – In-province upgrading is highly economical according to secret government documents released by the Alberta Federation of Labour today. The documents, […]

Report says time running out for Canadian oil producers to access Pacific Rim
Feb 6, 2013

CALGARY – A research paper is reinforcing the idea that Canada’s resource industry is at risk of being left behind internationally if it doesn’t find a way to get oil […]

Backgrounder-Secret Government Documents Show Bitumen Price Differential Makes Upgrading Highly Profitable
Feb 6, 2013

Secret Government Documents Show Bitumen Price Differential Makes Upgrading Highly Profitable

Upgrading bitumen in Alberta best option, labour group says
Feb 6, 2013

The Alberta Federation of Labour says documents obtained through Freedom of Information show that the provincial government has been told that upgrading bitumen in Alberta is a better financial option […]

Alberta Federation of Labour cites ‘strong economic case’ to refine bitumen here
Feb 6, 2013

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour says the discounted price Alberta bitumen is fetching of the world market could provide an opportunity for more upgrading and additional jobs in […]