



Foreign worker program accepting applications
Jan 2, 2013

A pilot program that would fast-track the immigration process for trades workers began accepting applications Wednesday is a welcome change for the oilsands, says Oil Sands Developers Group Executive Director […]

Silence on the Floor
Jan 1, 2013

The recent meat recall at XL Foods Inc. in Brooks, Alberta is not wanting in superlatives. It is one of the most massive meat recalls in Canadian history involving one […]

AFL on PRC: Labour group weighs in on China’s energy interests
Dec 27, 2012

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has added its voice to those worried about the ramifications of Canada’s role in China’s energy plans. Following Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s approval of […]

AFL stands in solidarity with Idle No More
Dec 21, 2012

Union leaders oppose bill that targets indigenous rights Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is urging Canadians to be Idle No More in opposing Bill C-45. On the morning […]

AFL says it’s time Alberta raised taxes and energy royalty rates
Dec 20, 2012

The President of the Alberta Federation of Labour is offering some free financial advice to the Redford government as it wrestles with rising red ink. AFL boss Gil McGowan says […]

AFL Response to “Hooray for C-377”
Dec 17, 2012

Letter in response to “Hooray for C-377” In response to Lorne Gunter’s column on Saturday, Dec. 15 Unions are some of the most democratic and accountable organizations in Canada. Union […]