Four years of UCP government have threatened Alberta workers’ safety: Kuprys EDMONTON – Today, workers across Alberta will gather to commemorate the National Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or […]
Gil McGowan re-elected for two-year term as president CALGARY – A record 503 delegates representing unions from across the province gathered in Calgary to demand better from employers and the […]
AFL shows support for PSAC workers, next provincial government will face similar issues CALGARY – Today, approximately 500 workers marched on Calgary City Hall to demand better from the provincial government. […]
EDMONTON – In a letter to the Premier, Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan revealed that the UCP government left $60 million in funding intended to help Alberta parents with […]
Carbon Capture tax credits include requirements for fair wages, training EDMONTON – The federal budget’s Carbon Capture (CCUS) investment tax credit plan will create thousands of high-paying jobs for Albertans […]
Albertans need pension stability and expansion, instead of UCP threats EDMONTON – Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan responded to the NDP Caucus’ release of their retirement security […]