



Concerns arise over lack of regulation for farm worker safety
Oct 2, 2012

A leaked draft of a farm safety report is drawing new attention to a black hole in Alberta’s labour legislation: Farm workers on traditional farms continue to be the only […]

Alberta’s evidence contains multi-billion-dollar inflation of Northern Gateway benefits
Sep 27, 2012

Alberta’s evidence contains multi-billion-dollar inflation of Northern Gateway benefits Government consultant admits upgrading would solve market access problem Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour has identified a multi-billion-dollar error […]

Hearing focuses on upgrading
Sep 27, 2012

The battle over upgrading oilsands bitumen in Alberta dominated Northern Gateway pipeline hearings Wednesday, with a government consultant arguing local upgrading is not economically viable given the high cost of […]

Enbridge questions estimates of pipeline’s environmental costs
Sep 27, 2012

EDMONTON – Enbridge insists estimates of environment damage from construction of the Northern Gateway pipeline have been overestimated, because sections of the line will be built in areas already disturbed […]

Reality Check: Profits, Prices, and Access to Markets
Sep 26, 2012

Reality Check: Profits, Prices, and Access to Markets Alberta is producing too much of the wrong product; no mystery why oil companies are getting a low price. The Government of […]

Government of Alberta does not consider jobs, taxes, royalties, or the public interest in their evidence at Northern Gateway hearings
Sep 26, 2012

Government of Alberta does not consider jobs, taxes, royalties, or the public interest in their evidence at Northern Gateway hearings Edmonton – AFL President Gil McGowan will be available to […]