Reality Check: Profits, Prices, and Access to Markets Alberta is producing too much of the wrong product; no mystery why oil companies are getting a low price. The Government of […]
Government of Alberta does not consider jobs, taxes, royalties, or the public interest in their evidence at Northern Gateway hearings Edmonton – AFL President Gil McGowan will be available to […]
Spooked by ’80s recession, it sped up extraction of crude worth way more today. Eighth in a series. There was a time when it made good sense to convert hard […]
CALGARY, Alberta, Sept 24 (Reuters) – A lawyer for Enbridge Inc said on Monday that a prominent economist opposed to its Northern Gateway oil pipeline to Canada’s West Coast is […]
The late Peter Lougheed’s enduring legacy in Alberta’s oil industry was evident Monday as the former Alberta premier was cited by both proponents and opponents of the contentious Northern Gateway […]
AFL on witness stand at Northern Gateway hearings; President available to speak to media after testimony ends Edmonton – AFL President Gil McGowan resumes his time on the witness stand […]