



URGENT ACTION: Show your solidarity with CEP 52A on the picket line
Sep 12, 2012

Issue: Support staff at Edmonton Catholic have overwhelmingly rejected the offer made by their employers, the Edmonton Catholic School Board. The employer refuses to negotiate the second year of wages […]

URGENT ACTION: Edmonton Catholic Schools Support Staff, CEP Local 52A on strike
Sep 11, 2012

Issue: Edmonton Catholic Schools Support Staff, members of CEP Local 52A went out on strike today, September 10, 2012. They are on strike for negotiated wage increases and working hours. […]

Northen Gateway Pipeline will raise the price of crude oil for Canadian refineries
Sep 10, 2012

Posted on September 10, 2012 by Mihaela Mardare — 1 Comment ↓ “Northern Gateway Hearings. The Alberta Federation of Labour says the Enbridge pipeline project will actually eliminate Canadian jobs” […]

Canadian price of crude oil would rise with the creation of Northern Gateway pipeline
Sep 10, 2012

Listen to the first segment of Part 3 of CBC’s “As It Happens” for Tuesday, September 4th titled “Northern Gateway Hearings. The Alberta Federation of Labour says the Enbridge pipeline […]

The Get Out of Fail Free Card Mission
Sep 7, 2012

Explanation of why the creation of the Gateway pipeline from Alberta to Kitimat BC will raise the price of crude oil for Canadian refineries. Segment III titled, “Northern Gateway Hearings. […]

Projected Northern Gateway figures err on the side of caution
Sep 6, 2012

Exactly how much will Enbridge Inc.’s Northern Gateway pipeline benefit Canada? In a report submitted to the National Energy Board, Enbridge says $38-billion. But in a federal review panel hearing […]