



Enbridge pipeline hearing focuses on economic benefits
Sep 5, 2012

EDMONTON – Under fire from Alberta unions, Enbridge said Tuesday its proposed Northern Gateway pipeline will not cause job losses in the refining sector though it will be affected by […]

Enbridge Gateway pipeline would cost jobs in Alberta says Union
Sep 5, 2012

Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline to Canada’s Pacific Coast could cost thousands of high-paying refining jobs in Alberta, a labour group warned in Edmonton on Tuesday as the company […]

Shipped Down the Pipeline
Sep 5, 2012

AFL Shipped Down the Pipeline brochure for the 2012 Joint Review Committee hearings into the Northern Gateway pipeline.

Enbridge NGP Response to JRP
Sep 5, 2012

One of Enbridge’s filings related to jobs to to the Joint Review Panel hearings on the Northern Gateway pipeline. Enbridge NGP Response to JRP IR No. 3

August 2012: Two-tier minimum wage; AFL 100 years Labour Day; AB govt no longer reports farm fatalities; Harper’s low-wage agenda; Bogus labour-shortage figures; Billions lost in royaliti…
Sep 4, 2012

Two-Tier Minimum Wage lberta’s poorly written two-tier minimum wage system is open to abuse by employers who are taking advantage of these laws to rip off the lowest-paid workers in […]

Northern Gateway to drain Alberta refineries of oil, jobs
Sep 4, 2012

Enbridge’s figures show dramatic drop in Western Canada refinery activity: AFL EDMONTON – Western Canada’s refineries will lose tens of thousands of barrels of oil per day when the Northern […]