After a bumpy ride this summer, Enbridge will face a tough grilling this week on its $6 billion Northern Gateway project as public hearings enter their final phase in which […]
Compares pipeline to Canadian Pacific Railway and the St. Laurence Seaway Enbridge has told the National Energy Board that the company’s $6-billion plan to build a pipeline from the Alberta […]
EDMONTON, Alberta (Reuters) – Enbridge Inc’s proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline to Canada’s Pacific Coast could cost thousands of high-paying refining jobs in Alberta, a labor group warned on Tuesday […]
Enbridge Inc. will face tough questions from intervenors at the Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel’s hearing in Edmonton this afternoon. Among them are the Government of BC, the Alberta Federation […]
This Labour Day, working Albertans have a lot to be thankful for. We have the highest wages, the best job prospects and the highest standard of living in Canada. So, […]
This Labour Day, working Albertans have a lot to be thankful for. We have the highest wages, the best job prospects and the highest standard of living in Canada. Life […]