A group representing Alberta’s non-unionized construction industry hopes the results of a new survey will convince the government to make changes to the province’s labour laws. Merit Contractors Association, which […]
The first 100 years The Alberta Federation of Labour is dedicated to improving the lives of Alberta’s working people, union members and non-members alike. We seek to represent all those […]
NDP calls for a deeper look at fracking in Alberta The Alberta NDP has renewed its call for a scientific review of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technology. NDP environment critic Rachel […]
NDP calls for a deeper look into fracking in Alberta The Alberta NDP has renewed its call for a scientific review of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technology. NDP environment critic Rachel […]
EDMONTON — Lower-than-expected energy revenue has Alberta on track to post another deficit this year that could reach as high as $3 billion, require spending cuts and force the government […]
The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) says the government’s decision to withhold information on farm fatalities is an attempt to move the issue to the back burner and off the […]