



Our Chinese oil sands
Aug 8, 2012

Nexen could be just the beginning… In June, the Alberta government launched a website publicly outing employers who haven’t paid their workers—an online hall of shame. Among these “deadbeat bosses,” […]

Backing Ottawa on labour plans
Aug 7, 2012

Re: “Premiers must stand up to Ottawa’s cheap-labour strategy; Harper Tories have launched stealth attack on middle class,” by Gil McGowan and Lana Payne, Opinion, Aug. 3. This opinion piece […]

Alberta’s bogus labour shortage
Aug 7, 2012

A labour shortage occurs when the demand for labour exceeds the supply of labour, right? Well, apparently not in Alberta. The Alberta Federation of Labour took a long, hard look […]

The Alberta Federation of Labour’s Massive “Progressive Economics” Fail
Aug 4, 2012

One of the downsides with having one of the hottest — if not the hottest — economies in the world is that there comes a time when you might not […]

Alberta union launches online fight against restaurant giant
Jul 30, 2012

Call it a digital warning shot. Two Alberta unions have quietly launched a website,, which targets one of Canada’s largest restaurant franchisers, Cara, over alleged “ethical concerns”. The barebones […]

Editorial: Canadians expect a balanced workforce
Jul 27, 2012

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney continues to remove barriers to ensure Alberta’s oilsands and construction industries have access to the skilled tradespeople they need. Last week, Kenney expanded a pilot program […]