



Renewed calls for farm safety
Aug 21, 2012

Opposition parties and labour groups are calling on the government to improve farm workers safety. The Alberta NDP and the Alberta Federation of Labour want to know why the government […]

Farm Fatalies Go Unmentioned
Aug 21, 2012

The Alberta government has stopped reporting farm fatalities and labour groups are asking why. “This year when we went to find out how many people had died, because we try […]

Farm Workers being ‘erased’ in Alberta
Aug 21, 2012

Alberta’s decision to withhold information on farm fatalities is an attempt to move the issue off the public radar, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), an umbrella union […]

Alberta Farm Fatalities falling off the Radar
Aug 20, 2012

Government drops public reporting of farm deaths EDMONTON – The Alberta government’s decision to withhold information on farm fatalities is an attempt to move the issue to the back burner […]

Alberta ignoring farm fatalities: union
Aug 20, 2012

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is criticizing the provincial government for no longer reporting farm fatalities. The federation says the move is an example of how “agricultural workers […]

Alberta no longer reports farm fatalities; union says workers unprotected
Aug 20, 2012

DMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is chiding the provincial government for no longer reporting farm fatalities. The union says the move is an example of how — quote […]