Opposition parties and labour groups are calling on the government to improve farm workers safety. The Alberta NDP and the Alberta Federation of Labour want to know why the government […]
The Alberta government has stopped reporting farm fatalities and labour groups are asking why. “This year when we went to find out how many people had died, because we try […]
Alberta’s decision to withhold information on farm fatalities is an attempt to move the issue off the public radar, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), an umbrella union […]
Government drops public reporting of farm deaths EDMONTON – The Alberta government’s decision to withhold information on farm fatalities is an attempt to move the issue to the back burner […]
EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is criticizing the provincial government for no longer reporting farm fatalities. The federation says the move is an example of how “agricultural workers […]
DMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is chiding the provincial government for no longer reporting farm fatalities. The union says the move is an example of how — quote […]