Call it a digital warning shot. Two Alberta unions have quietly launched a website,, which targets one of Canada’s largest restaurant franchisers, Cara, over alleged “ethical concerns”. The barebones […]
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney continues to remove barriers to ensure Alberta’s oilsands and construction industries have access to the skilled tradespeople they need. Last week, Kenney expanded a pilot program […]
It has become clear that the federal government, supported by a number of employer organizations, has a plan for transforming Canada’s labour market in ways that will profoundly hurt Canadians. […]
AFL says government is wrong and Chartered Accountants are right: labour shortage fears are overblown EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour released internal government documents today, showing claims of a catastrophic […]
Ottawa – The expansion of the Temporary Foreign Worker pilot in Alberta is creating an outcry from the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). “Canadians should get first crack at these […]
Re: “Canadians expect a balanced workforce,” Editorial, July 23. Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan has a legitimate point. The more Immigration Minister Jason Kenney removes barriers for foreign […]