EDMONTON-Does it matter who owns the oil sands? You bet it does! If foreign governments are allowed to expand in Alberta through companies like China National, they’ll develop the oil […]
Growing up in Duncan, as I did, meant growing up in the airshed of the Crofton pulp mill. No one liked the smell but they liked what it represented — […]
Re: “Foreign worker hiring fast-tracked; Employers in six trades won’t have to consider Canadians first,” the Journal, July 17. Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, is spreading […]
Faced with a looming labour shortage in a perpetually expanding economy, the door is opening wider for temporary foreign workers specializing in six in-demand trades, announced federal immigration minister Jason […]
For immediate release Tuesday, July 17, 2012 AFL decries further watering-down of checks and balances of Temporary Foreign Worker Program Canadians should get first crack at high-paying jobs EDMONTON – […]
An Alberta labour group is slamming an agreement making it easier for Alberta companies to hire skilled foreign tradespeople. Federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is easing foreign-worker restrictions. Federal Immigration […]