



SAIT works to overcome workplace discrimination
May 18, 2012

Pipe trade students build sign to show collaboration between GBLT community and construction industry. Pipe trade students at SAIT built something that’s the first of its kind at the trade […]

New rules allowing employers to pay Temporary Foreign Workers less than Canadians will drive wages down and “pit workers against workers”
May 15, 2012

AFL joins national coalition of labour, religious and immigrant groups in condemning Harper government’s new approach to TFWs New rules allowing employers to fast track Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) and […]

Flaherty’s “no bad jobs” comment proves Harper Conservatives are deep in the pockets of business
May 15, 2012

With proposed EI changes, more Canadians will be forced into the kind of bad jobs Flaherty says don’t exist, says AFL Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s shocking comment that there […]

Westray anniversary spurs call for greater enforcement
May 15, 2012

The United Steelworkers Canada (USW) union is marking the 20th anniversary of the fatal Westray mine explosion by renewing its call for increased enforcement of Bill C-45, federal legislation which […]

Short-term labour fix, or is it exploitation?
May 12, 2012

Barely two months after a British Columbia Supreme Court judge certified a $10-million class-action lawsuit on behalf of more than 70 temporary foreign workers alleging flagrant violations of pay and […]

On 20th anniversary of Westray disaster, Alberta unions call on Redford government to consider criminal prosecutions of employers responsible for worker deaths or injuries
May 9, 2012

Alberta has never used provisions of “Westray Act” even though it could act as an effective deterrent to corporate negligence The president of Alberta’s largest union organization today called on […]