



AFL President congratulates Mulcair for igniting long-overdue debate about pace of development in oil sands
May 30, 2012

Labour leader represents 25,000 oil sands workers in Alberta CALGARY – In a keynote address to academics at the University of Calgary, Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan today […]

Health Sciences Association of Alberta members gather for annual general meeting
May 30, 2012

Health science professionals in Alberta meet for two days to discuss upcoming challenges. Edmonton (30 May 2012) – Members from across Alberta will be gathering on May 31 and June […]

Mulcair confident of warm reception on first visit to Alberta’s oilsands
May 30, 2012

OTTAWA – Tom Mulcair is heading to Alberta for his first tour of the oilsands, confident he can dispel perceptions that he’s anti-development and anti-western Canada. But even before the […]

Layoffs at General Dynamics’ Edmonton plant anger NDP’s Duncan
May 30, 2012

EDMONTON – Thirty workers in Edmonton have been laid off by a company that was awarded a $1-billion government contract to upgrade light-armoured vehicles for the Canadian Forces. Edmonton-Strathcona MP […]

Labour Chief Says Albertans Should Thank NDP Leader For Debate
May 30, 2012

CALGARY – The head of the Alberta Federation of Labour is defending Tom Mulcair in advance of the federal NDP leader’s tour of the oilsands. Mulcair has angered western premiers […]

Dark days for Canada’s trade unions
May 28, 2012

It’s not a good time to be organized labour, or most types of labour, in Canada. And I’d define “time” as the period when Stephen Harper is Prime Minister of […]