



Redford’s debt to Alberta’s left
Apr 28, 2012

How did the Alberta PCs win a majority in Monday’s election when every poll for a month showed them behind the upstart Wildrose Party? Simple: They united the left and […]

Monument to Alberta’s Broken Families to be unveiled on Day of Mourning
Apr 27, 2012

High death rate shows more must be done to protect workers, says labour groups A monument to dead workers will be unveiled in Edmonton on the National Day of Mourning […]

Editorial: Temporary Foreign Worker Program is a necessary evil
Apr 27, 2012

The federal Temporary Foreign Worker Program has become a necessary evil, fraught with so many troubling issues that we must hold our nose while applauding changes announced to it this […]

Maria Dunn to Perform ‘Troublemakers’ at Medalta Potteries
Apr 26, 2012

Juno-nominated folksinger’s tour celebrates 100 years of labour history One of Alberta’s best-known folk singers is coming to Medicine Hat to present stories about the early years of Alberta labour […]

Maria Dunn to Perform ‘Troublemakers’ in the East Coulee School Museum
Apr 26, 2012

Juno-nominated folksinger’s tour celebrates 100 years of labour history One of Alberta’s best-known folk singers is coming to the Drumheller Valley to present stories about the early years of Alberta […]

Maria Dunn to Perform ‘Troublemakers’ at CUPE 37 Hall in Calgary
Apr 26, 2012

Juno-nominated folksinger’s tour celebrates 100 years of labour history One of Alberta’s best-known folk singers is coming to Calgary to present stories about the early years of Alberta labour through […]