Juno-nominated folksinger’s province-wide tour celebrates 100 years of labour history One of Alberta’s best-known folk singers will be touring southern Alberta in early May to present stories about the early […]
NISKU – Alberta businesses, frustrated by red tape and delays in hiring temporary foreign workers, got a break Wednesday from the federal government. Human Resources and Skills Development Minister Diane […]
At least one Alberta group isn’t happy with today’s changes to federal temporary foreign worker laws. The Alberta Federation of Labour says lowering the wages for the workers makes Alberta’s […]
For the first time in 91 years, the liberals have won an election in Alberta. Yeah, sure, the name of the party that won a majority of seats last night […]
Merit Alberta and the Wildrose Party have filed complaints with government officials claiming that the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is violating election rules with a province-wide telephone poll. “AFL […]
EDMONTON – Wild predictions of eight or more seats died out as results rolled in for the NDP Monday night, but the party still doubled its number of MLAs. NDP […]