AFL urges school boards to implement temporary mask mandates EDMONTON – In a fiery letter to school boards around the province, Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan urged them […]
Alberta’s post-secondary education system has suffered decades of neglect. Aside from a modest reinvestment in buildings and infrastructure during the boom-fueled early 2000s, the default government approach towards post-secondary education […]
The COVID-19 pandemic presented Albertans with unparalleled challenges. Although Albertans collectively committed to implementing protections that shielded our most vulnerable neighbours from harm, opportunistic politicians stopped treating the pandemic as […]
Hard-won laws to protect workers have not kept pace with the changing nature of work and new understandings of health and wellness. A growing number of workers are falling through […]
From gas to groceries, inflation is soaring to levels not experienced since the 1980s. Average Albertans cannot shoulder this on their own, and more and more working families are falling […]
For many decades, Alberta’s economic prosperity has relied on precarious and volatile fossil fuel energy markets. Now, the world is moving away from fossil fuels and new industries are emerging […]