



Take Action to Fight Inflation
Nov 9, 2022

From gas to groceries, inflation is soaring to levels not experienced since the 1980s. Average Albertans cannot shoulder this on their own, and more and more working families are falling […]

Invest in the New Energy Economy 
Nov 9, 2022

For many decades, Alberta’s economic prosperity has relied on precarious and volatile fossil fuel energy markets. Now, the world is moving away from fossil fuels and new industries are emerging […]

Invest in High Quality Public Education 
Nov 9, 2022

In recent years, the Government of Alberta has cut and destabilized funding for public education, introduced wildly unpopular curriculum without input from experts, and encouraged the growth and expansion of […]

Re-Invest in Public Health Care
Nov 9, 2022

Albertans can no longer depend on public health-care services to be there when we need them. Emergency rooms are overrun, ambulance wait times are putting lives at risk, and delays […]

Union campaign aims to put worker issues front and center in upcoming provincial election
Nov 9, 2022

This election, workers demand better! CALGARY – Working people are Alberta’s greatest resource – and, now that all the political players are in place, the concerns and issues of workers need […]

Union campaign aims to put worker issues front and center in upcoming provincial election – AFL
Nov 8, 2022

This election, workers demand better! CALGARY – Working people are Alberta’s greatest resource – and, now that all the political players are in place, the concerns and issues of workers […]