



Dig deep to pay for schools
Mar 18, 2012

The province will be making announcements about new school projects in the next few days, Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk told Alberta teachers at a pre-election forum Saturday. He added a […]

Mar 18, 2012

The management of Alberta’s 171 billion barrels of proven oil reserves will be a major election issue, with political parties at odds about everything from upgrading to pipelines to environmental […]

B.C. public-sector unions look for pay raises after net-zero contracts
Mar 18, 2012

VICTORIA – British Columbia’s governing Liberals prefer the terms “net zero” and “co-operative gains” to describe their plans to rein in the cost of public-sector contracts, but unions say what […]

Media focus on senior dumped at Emergency Ward signals more trouble for Redford Tories
Mar 15, 2012

As shocking as it is an ambulance crew was used by a for-profit Edmonton nursing home to evict an 80-year-old grandmother afflicted with dementia and dump her at a public […]

‘Nervous’ Tories said to be pushing for May election
Mar 15, 2012

EDMONTON – A group of “nervous nellies” within the Tory caucus have told colleagues they want the upcoming spring election pushed back into May to give the party more time […]

Rivals enjoy field day in legislature as PC worries mount ahead of election
Mar 15, 2012

CALGARY — Alberta’s opposition parties are having a spectacular week. Day after day they pummel the PCs in the legislature, enjoying a free campaign platform courtesy of the Redford government. […]