



Opposition opens fire at health-care town hall
Mar 13, 2012

In a preview of upcoming provincial election debates, Health Minister Fred Horne took on four party leaders Monday night in a town hall discussion on the future of health care […]

Committee pay for Tory MLAs halted
Mar 13, 2012

Reimbursements by Opposition ‘stunts,’ Redford charges Premier Alison Redford on Monday ordered Conservative MLAs to stop accepting committee pay until a salary review is complete. She hasn’t, however, asked government […]

Review law on campaign finance
Mar 13, 2012

When the business of politics is at its most cutthroat – which is to say during an election campaign – does a politician get what he or she pays for, […]

Redford had chance on MLA pay and missed it
Mar 12, 2012

CALGARY — Blasted for days over the legislature committee that paid real money for fictional work, Premier Alison Redford must be kicking herself. The premier could have been the hero […]

Government has failed to create long-term care beds
Mar 12, 2012

For years, every health-care expert in Alberta has said that one of the main solutions for better emergency room access is more long-term care beds. The government has said it, […]

Proposed changes to Federal Skilled Worker Program gets nod from Canadian Construction Association
Mar 12, 2012

Proposed reforms to make Canada’s immigration system faster and more responsive are “bang on”, says one national construction association. In a recent speech to the National Metropolis Conference, Citizenship, Immigration […]