The government has it backwards when it comes to the new public inquiry being launched into queue-jumping in the health-care system. Sure, it’s a troubling issue. But former Alberta Health […]
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Lingering voter anger over the state’s now-rejected collective bargaining law played out Tuesday as an issue in several state legislative primaries. Contenders in the primary contests included […]
EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour says energy companies exploited a loophole in the province’s drilling stimulus programs, forcing the province to spend about $2.9 billion, more than double […]
Government advertising should be used to inform the public about programs and services, not to promote the party in power. The Redford government’s new $425,000 ad campaign on its recently […]
Politics in Alberta. Money for nothing and the cheques for free. Dire straits indeed. Let’s hope somewhere in their skulls or souls they know it’s wrong. We can always hope […]
Opponents of Alberta’s Progressive Conservatives must go to sleep at night thanking the political gods for making life so easy for them. The PCs keep handing an endless supply of […]