



Union sues to block Indiana right-to-work law
Feb 22, 2012

INDIANAPOLIS – Union members went to federal court Wednesday to ask a judge to block Indiana’s new right-to-work law from being enforced, the first lawsuit and latest conflict over the […]

Restoring Workers’ Rights
Feb 22, 2012

One million Canadians work in federally regulated workplaces. They deserve a government that respects their fundamental rights. Stop Federal Interference in Free Collective Bargaining Since winning a majority government, Mr. […]

New N.Y. Pension Plan Puts Workers Between Rock and Hard Place
Feb 22, 2012

A proposed new pension system puts the retirement security of New York firefighters, teachers, police officers and other public employees at risk, and the New York State AFL-CIO is fighting […]

February 21 2012: Beyond Acute Care Conference; Better Way Alberta; Budget 2012; farm workers; HSAA information pickets
Feb 21, 2012

Last chance to see Ralph Nader and Maude Barlow at Beyond Acute Care Conference You have only until tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, Feb. 22) to register for the Beyond Acute Care: […]

Our oil interests not well protected
Feb 20, 2012

Chinese deals make Canada seem like junior partner According to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, his recent trip to China was about advancing and protecting the “national interest.” But after taking […]

Proposed pipeline to have no effect on gas prices
Feb 19, 2012

The public debate surrounding Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline has suddenly veered off in a new direction, powered by economic nationalists and the suggestion that rather than exporting oil […]