



Northern Gateway Would Hurt Economy, Study Says
Feb 3, 2012

A study endorsed by opponents of the Northern Gateway pipeline proposed by Calgary-based Enbridge says it would cause an oil “price shock” to Canada’s economy. The economic assessment was done […]

Oh, those ‘radicals’!
Feb 3, 2012

Today the HarperCons stepped into the [cesspool / polluted waters] tar sands issue to announce a water monitoring project which will take 3 years and $50 million to fully implement. […]

Koch Denies Having Interest in Keystone Implementation
Feb 3, 2012

Disagreements on the Keystone Pipeline continue in Congress as Republicans insist that the project move forward. The House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing Friday on a bill […]

2012 January AFL Written Submission Northern Gateway Project
Feb 2, 2012

2012 January AFL Written Submission Northern Gateway Project

Report says Northern Gateway pipeline will create ‘price shock’ across Canada
Feb 2, 2012

Former ICBC boss says predicted rise in cost of oil serious risk to economy EDMONTON — A new report says the Northern Gateway pipeline will boost crude oil prices $2 […]

More calls for Canada to grow its energy upgrading and refining business
Feb 2, 2012

A well respected Canadian CEO and some labour leaders are ramping up their opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline project. Robyn Allan has published an 80 page report, examining the […]