



Alberta must be cautious about raising taxes
Feb 13, 2012

A concerted effort is now underway to ensure that Albertans have a “conversation” about current levels of taxation. Fair enough, but it seems that conversation is code for convincing Albertans […]

Alberta pre-election budget hikes spending, raids savings, runs deficit
Feb 10, 2012

EDMONTON – Premier Alison Redford’s Alberta Tories delivered a pre-election budget Thursday that increased spending to record levels and raided billions from the piggy bank, but promised the province will […]

Budget 2012: Tax and Royalty Giveaways
Feb 9, 2012

“No honest conversation with Albertans on Revenues in Budget 2012” – McGowan Edmonton – Alberta cannot hope to have great health and education services and fewer deficits without ending corporate […]

Alberta’s Electrolux Speech: Breathtaking in its vacuity, but quite possibly effective
Feb 8, 2012

It was either the best of Throne Speeches or it was the worst of Throne Speeches. Heck, maybe it was both at the same time. Yesterday being the 200th anniversary […]

The Fraser Institute: 100% political and still a registered charity! Explain, please…
Feb 7, 2012

Other than Canadian political parties themselves, the Fraser Institute must be Canada’s most intensely political organization. Notwithstanding its pious mission statement — “to measure, study, and communicate the impact of […]

Report warns of Gateway pipeline ‘price shock’
Feb 4, 2012

A new report says the Northern Gateway pipeline will boost crude oil prices $2 to $3 per barrel annually over the next 30 years, causing significant damage to consumers, businesses […]