A concerted effort is now underway to ensure that Albertans have a “conversation” about current levels of taxation. Fair enough, but it seems that conversation is code for convincing Albertans […]
EDMONTON – Premier Alison Redford’s Alberta Tories delivered a pre-election budget Thursday that increased spending to record levels and raided billions from the piggy bank, but promised the province will […]
“No honest conversation with Albertans on Revenues in Budget 2012” – McGowan Edmonton – Alberta cannot hope to have great health and education services and fewer deficits without ending corporate […]
It was either the best of Throne Speeches or it was the worst of Throne Speeches. Heck, maybe it was both at the same time. Yesterday being the 200th anniversary […]
Other than Canadian political parties themselves, the Fraser Institute must be Canada’s most intensely political organization. Notwithstanding its pious mission statement — “to measure, study, and communicate the impact of […]
A new report says the Northern Gateway pipeline will boost crude oil prices $2 to $3 per barrel annually over the next 30 years, causing significant damage to consumers, businesses […]