Register now to see Ralph Nader and Maude Barlow at conference on health care It’s time that seniors and those with disabilities were covered by the medicare umbrella. World-renowned consumer-rights […]
Former CEO of ICBC concludes project ‘is neither needed nor in public interest.’ A highly respected Canadian economist says the controversial Northern Gateway Project “poses a serious threat” to Canada’s […]
A study endorsed by opponents of the Northern Gateway pipeline proposed by Calgary-based Enbridge says it would cause an oil “price shock” to Canada’s economy. The economic assessment was done […]
Today the HarperCons stepped into the [cesspool / polluted waters] tar sands issue to announce a water monitoring project which will take 3 years and $50 million to fully implement. […]
Disagreements on the Keystone Pipeline continue in Congress as Republicans insist that the project move forward. The House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing Friday on a bill […]
2012 January AFL Written Submission Northern Gateway Project