



Coalition to unveil campaign aimed at sparking public conversation about irresponsible tax and royalty giveaways
Jan 24, 2012

EDMONTON – Ever wonder why Alberta, Canada’s wealthiest province, is running a $3-billion deficit and saying it can’t afford to maintain middle-of-the-road spending on vital public services? That’s the question […]

Jesse Kline: Alberta Liberals say the darndest things
Jan 19, 2012

It’s no secret that Alberta’s finances were mismanaged for years under Ed Stelmach and that the situation has only become worse since Alison Redford took office. That the richest province […]

Where did all Alberta’s money go?: The left and right think they know
Jan 19, 2012

Partisan political operators are battling to define the debate over one of the most explosive issues in the coming provincial election: Why can’t a wealthy province like Alberta make ends […]

Industry financially squeezed by high electricity prices
Jan 19, 2012

EDMONTON – You can hear it on the floor of AltaSteel’s east Edmonton mill when the hourly price of electricity spikes. Virtually everything goes quiet. For almost two full days […]

Alberta’s artificially low taxes could set off a “race to the bottom” that’s bad news for all Canadians, says prominent Alberta author and politician
Jan 18, 2012

New book shows Alberta wealth is going to corporate profits, not public services How is it that a province as wealthy as Alberta is running deficits and says it must […]

Kevin Taft wonders where the money went
Jan 18, 2012

Albertans are being “played for fools” by corporations making massive profits at the expense of provincial programs and services, says former Liberal leader and scholar Kevin Taft. In a new […]