



‘Conservative premiers will bring in American-style health care if we don’t stop them,’ say labour federation presidents – AFL
Mar 17, 2022

Provincial labour federations join the plea to PM to invest and save Canada’s public health care EDMONTON – The presidents of provincial labour federations are putting pressure on the federal […]

On International Women’s Day, the AFL calls on UCP government to ‘break the bias’ against women workers – AFL
Mar 8, 2022

UCP legislation and cuts contribute to Alberta’s highest gender pay gap in Canada EDMONTON – This year’s International Women’s Day theme “break the bias” stands in contrast to the Kenney […]

Show us the science, Premier Kenney, says AFL – AFL
Mar 1, 2022

Politics, not public health, driving Kenney’s lifting of COVID protections EDMONTON – Premier Kenney’s lifting of almost all provincial COVID-19 public health protections today is too soon for our health […]

Kenney’s UCP Budget 2022 Fact Check – AFL
Feb 26, 2022

Despite the grand celebration Kenney’s UCP government put forth, which was perhaps best described by CUPE Alberta as a “master class of deception and gaslighting,” there is little good news […]

UCP’s Budget 2022 shows failure to create good jobs for Alberta workers – AFL
Feb 24, 2022

Workers and families left out of Kenney’s plan EDMONTON – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group says the UCP’s new “Alberta at Work” program doesn’t actually give Alberta workers what they […]

UCP throne speech foretells less for workers, more for private corporations – AFL
Feb 22, 2022

EDMONTON – Alberta workers’ optimism about the future is key to Alberta’s economic recovery, but after three years of chaos and gloom under a UCP government they distrust, workers are […]