



Only real union provides real representation
Sep 27, 2011

Re: “It’s time for unions to re-evaluate needs of workers and adapt accordingly; Attitude overhaul necessary to regain their much-needed place in society,” by Colin McComb, Ideas, Sept. 12. It’s […]

Sinopec, the oil sands and justice delayed
Sep 27, 2011

Workers on Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.’s (CNQ-T30.900.110.36%) large Horizon project in Alberta’s oil sands knew something was wrong with the way a crew of Chinese workers flown in by a […]

AFL-CIO President Trumka sends list of killed Colombian labor leaders to Obama
Sep 26, 2011

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka sent a letter to President Obama on Monday expressing his labor federation’s opposition to the pending free-trade deal with Colombia. Included with the letter was a […]

2000 August Response Proposed Bill 11 Regulations
Sep 23, 2011

2000 August Response Proposed Bill 11 Regulations

Keystone XL pipeline a ‘job killer’, will pump jobs into U.S. says labour leader: Pipeline fight finds ‘allies’ in Ottawa
Sep 23, 2011

Alberta union leader Gil McGowan met with federal politicians in Ottawa Thursday to protest a proposed extension of the Keystone XL pipeline, which he says will pump jobs into the […]

Labour leaders call on MPs to help stop “job-killing” Keystone XL pipeline: Approving Keystone XL is not in the interests of Albertans and Canadians
Sep 22, 2011

Canadian politicians have been acting against the interests of their own citizens in pitching the Keystone XL pipeline, says the leader of Alberta’s largest labour organization. “Members of the Alberta […]