



AFL joins parents of students in court challenge to stop the lifting of mask mandates in Alberta schools – AFL
Feb 14, 2022

The order to end school masking is premature and reckless EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour, Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization, has joined a group of parents of students […]

Alberta health care workers call on their fellow citizens to help them push back against the UCP’s reckless decision to prematurely remove COVID-19 protections – AFL
Feb 12, 2022

“We’re tired of watching people die.” The following joint statement was released today from a coalition of Alberta health care unions: “On behalf of the more than 75,000 health care […]

Health funding must deliver public health services, not private profits – AFL
Feb 4, 2022

We must stop the UCP plan to turn our health care into an American-style for-profit system EDMONTON – As Canada’s premiers ramp up their Canada Health Transfer campaign, Alberta’s largest […]

Jason Kenney and the UCP cut health-care spending during the pandemic – AFL
Feb 3, 2022

Why? Because the UCP want a privatized American-style for-profit health care system Jason Kenney and the UCP cut health-care spending, on a per-person basis, in 2021, during the global COVID-19 […]

“We can’t let anti-vax extremists dictate public health policy during a pandemic” – AFL
Feb 3, 2022

Worker safety should not be used as a bargaining chip, says AFL president in statement Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan EDMONTON – “We cannot let a […]

The authoritarian bullies who are terrorizing Ottawa do NOT represent Alberta workers – AFL
Jan 31, 2022

AFL President Gil McGowan issues statement on “Freedom Convoy” Edmonton – “On numerous occasions over the past week, the so-called “Freedom Convoy” has been portrayed as an uprising of ordinary […]