



AFL wants farm deaths to be investigated by OHS
Aug 22, 2011

Eight months ago, three farm workers died in Alberta. Because of the Alberta government’s rules on farm-related deaths, there has still been no investigation. The Alberta Federation of Labour says […]

Viewpoint: Let’s Learn the Right Lessons from Wisconsin
Aug 21, 2011

The struggle in Wisconsin was the awakening that labor movement activists had hoped for—disproving the modern notion that those who work will not stand up for themselves. Several hundred thousand […]

Minister’s silence on farm-worker safety unacceptable, says AFL: Lukaszuk has failed to respond to calls for investigation of farm accidents
Aug 19, 2011

Workers on farms and ranches will mark the seventh annual Alberta Farm Worker Day tomorrow still waiting for the Alberta government to end its silence on a call to make […]

Investigation demanded into lobbying by Big Oil group: Alberta government should not leave decisions to industry, says AFL
Aug 18, 2011

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today called for an investigation into the lobbying activities of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). “We have come into possession of a […]

Environmentalists could undermine shale-gas plans, Alberta cabinet documents suggest
Aug 18, 2011

EDMONTON — Leaked Alberta cabinet documents suggest the province is worried environmental groups will undermine public support for shale gas development by spreading “misinformation” about health and environmental effects of […]

Georgetti: Labor Must Win Class War
Aug 18, 2011

Workers in the United States and Canada are in a class war declared by big business and we’re losing, Ken Georgetti, president of the Canadian Labour Congress, told delegates. “It […]